One little problem!!

So I'm at the 5th episode but is it me or is Robin a bit unstable to be working a case like this? Also is it wise for a girl who's been raped herself at 15 and had a child to come back to what I assume to be a town of no more than probably 50 people and hang around and drink with the guys that gang raped you ?? I know she gave sarge a poke with a broken bottle but she should be out of that place. Just a few minor things that are odd but then again if she doesn't come back THERES no show lol.



I think they've made it pretty clear that Robin is an alcoholic, and her decision making skills are severely lacking.


I mean they show her drunk in some parts but not necessarily an alchoholic. People can go off the deep end at times and doesn't make then an alcoholic . Very different but regardless it just did not seem like a good place for her to go back to but like I said there needs to be some story with her or the show isn't as interesting lol


All guys who raped her except Sarge already left the town (it's said and there is no proof it would not be correct). She didn't visit the town on other purpose than being with her mother, police needing her help was just coincidence after learning she is specializing in child abuse crimes.

And yes, she is unstable with drinking problem, that's why she is suspended after attacking Sarge with bottle.

Peter Markoff
The best - Fight Club, American Beauty & Falling Down.
