7-episode mini-series

That's on 2 DVDs, each with 3 episodes?

Just wondering what the deal is there.

I don't want to watch six episodes, six hours of stuff, and be missing part of the story.



The mini-series is 6 episodes, not 7. I just finished watching it. Very well done and really held my interest.


So re the 7 episodes listed on IMDb (see this page: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2103085/episodes?season=1&ref_=tt_eps_ sn_1), was one of them missing from the DVD, or did they recut them into six episodes instead? I'm just curious re the discrepancy.



I'm also curious about the discrepancy, I just finished watching the six episodes and keep wondering what I missed - judging from the episode summaries here on imdb it appears that you are indeed right and they did recut them.

however, if anyone could confirm this I'd be grateful.


There are 7 episodes according to Netflix, and can be streamed.
I have watched them all.
When it comes to DVDs, something normally gets cut to fit.

I don't know Butchie instead.


It's six hour long episodes, but was cut differely when it premiered on the Sundance channel, where it was broken into seven parts.


Oh baby have I got a surprise for you... I have been watching it on Netflix streaming and when I got to episode 6, I read the plot summaries ( there are two here: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2106175/plotsummary?ref_=tt_stry_pl) and the summaries didn't match the episode ( on Netflix ) So, I bought the 6th episode on Amazon streaming to see if it was different, and it was. It matched the plot summaries. But, holy cow, I went back to Netflix thinking that episode 7 on Netflix was the one I just bought and watched on Amazon and it wasn't, it was the final episode. So, there are actually EIGHT episodes.


There is either 6 or 7 episode (never 8 like someone said) depending on which cut you watch (both cuts contain the same footage), to help anyone out and prevent them buying duplicate stuff that starts in different places, here is the running times for both cuts as checked by me personally with my copies.

7 Part Sundance TV cut
Ep1 = 49:39
Ep2 = 48:13
Ep3 = 48:10
Ep4 = 47:33
Ep5 = 50:22
Ep6 = 50:32
Ep7 = 50:33

6 Part BBC TV & DVD cut
Ep1 = 57:59
Ep2 = 55:22
Ep3 = 57:20
Ep4 = 57:22
Ep5 = 57:19
Ep6 = 58:35
