Only Pros: - Up to par acting with few exceptions - Lovely Scenery - Very good cinematography - Soundtrack is repetitive but not invasive - Soothing atmosphere
Some of the cons : - Distastefully slow pacing - Men are portrayed as indifferent rapists,pedophiles and hillbillies(except of course for the fantastical handsome hero and the mother's boyfriend whose sole purpose is to fetch things) - Unconvincing characters and insipid dialogues - Main character doesn't behave at all like a professional detective - Irrelevant women's refuge subplot. (Is the purpose supposed to be a feminist wet dream?) - Obtrusive disarray of accents between characters (The main character herself suffers from this gravely switching accents from time to time) - Unrealistic and odd details such as : - Unbelievably ineffectual police force are outsmarted by emo kid and biker leader in finding a 12 year old girl. - Shooting at a rope from which a body is hanged.Really? - Rocking on with no electricity?
I did expect something different and while I'm not dreadfully upset since it was only 7 episodes, it was not on par with other excellent television currently being developed today.
I'd also add that the plot was somehow predictable even while at the same time it made little sense. That would seem to be pretty hard to pull off.
I'll give them credit for only having a half dozen main characters which helped to narrow the focus, but with so few characters, your plot threads link up in non-sensical ways. For instance, if the detective and the drug producer are in cahoots, would the detective really enter his colaborator's daughter up for the pedophiles?
What bothered me more is that the characters are too obvious and dull (the brave heroines and the evil sadistic males). So they come up with this irrelevant and out-of-place subplot with a pseudo-intellectual final boss that's supposed to serve as an original and elliptical antihero.
To me what doesn't make sense is not the plot as a whole but rather just various inapposite details that are just not realistic or do not correspondent to what a real person would act like. For instance,the incompetent police force,that whole thing with Sarge and her past being brought up the way it was...and many more things that didn't add up and are ,frankly,exhausting to list.
There were no twists nor relevant cliff hangers nor exciting moments.It was just frustating that it kept me watching waiting for something to happen. (Also when they discovered the father was who the viewer thought it would be all along...just very poorly written.)
After reading lots of similar complaints, I get a sense that most people watching this have no experience with Campion material because she really ISN'T someone you'd expect any logical plots or any balanced view of gender relations from. The character motivations in The Piano made as little sense as they do here.
She is, however, so brilliant at atmosphere and expressing a deeply, profoundly bizarre view of life, that those who like her, accept her as an infuriating genius (myself included). I'd rather watch TOTL with all its stupidity and man-hating over every slick, well-structured procedural out there with the exception of the Danish The Killing (and that fell apart in the end too).
Yes,I have no experience with her work per se and I did like the atmosphere though,to me,it seems that most of it just comes from good cinematography and beautiful scenery. Nonetheless good justification and thanks for the input.
Yeah, expecting men to be shown in a good light in Campion stuff is like expecting no violence from Tarantino. It's like with all auteurs - they grab you or they don't, and if they do - their originality will offset their excesses.
As for the atmosphere - everything is just slightly askew in Campion's world, like a bunch of rednecks sitting around looking tough... with a super girly fluffy chihuahua
Well I don't appreciate those poor gimmicks and "styles". And really, showing chihuahuas and rednecks is not original.It's just like a lame attempt attempt at being funny and nonsensical. And Tarantino's work is no better. Just overrated crap.
Another remark "Tarantino's work is no better" Yes, your opinion is the only one that matters here. Gasp. Another person who dislikes it when someone disagrees with him...Oh yes sir whatever you say sir you are right sir.
You have summed up my feelings on this series exactly. Thank you. Wasted many hours just to see the conclusion, but should have just jumped to the message boards to save myself time. Moss' accent was all over the place and was the WORST detective I've ever seen. Watch something fascinating like "The Killing" for a well acted similar series.
Another ridiculous post by a online Social Justice Warrior who thinks spouting buzzwords is a valid approach to an argument. You need to stick with all the mainstream junk they spoonfeed and brainwash you with. (ex. The Walking Dead)
Except there's no supposedly 'feminazi' propaganda in's a white patriarchal male world still even during a ZA. So stop thinking everything is about brainwashing when you don't even know what you're talking about. Yes I know it's hard to believe but the white patriarchal circle jerk world is still alive and well...that's why things are so fu^&cked up today as well as in the the past...but you keep yanking on it and believe you're superior...whatever does it for you. Also, it's hard for me to take anyone serious who still uses the stupid portmanteau 'feminazi' if everything should be masculine in orientation and you should never ever see films from a female perspective and as if women are never ever just mere accoutrements and sexual objects in male films...but you men who fear and loathe women will never admit to that. Anyway, here's a video I found for you:
A genuine specimen of self-entitled cry-baby. No logical arguments or reasoning to be found here. Just buzzwords,upon buzzwords upon meaningless and fallacious notions. It's to be expected that it/she/he can't use a rational language. This species uses mostly videos to communicate and of course buzzwords.Here baby :
Yes as if your use of the word 'feminazi' isn't a buzzword. Talk about entitlement issues. You certainly have them. lol Men who hate women either fear them or are gay or are sexually frustrated straight men. Which are you? I'm none of the above by the way.
Buzzwords can only be buzzwords when they are not backed by rational argument but merely by ongoing social trends (a.k.a. fallacy of appeal to novelty).Here's a riddle (fallacy) for you : You are either a communist or a fascist. You are either an atheist or a Christian. You are either a feminist or a rapist. Which one are you?I'm none of the above by the way.
There is no rational argument when the words feminist and nazi were put together because feminists have never done to mankind what nazi's did and the use of it is totally illogical and used only by conservative males who are threatened and fear or hate women. That's why it is still used. Sorry but you are attempting to compare apples with oranges. What you are is a threatened male who's scared shtless of women...You didn't give me the option to choose that but that's really obvious by your conservative ideology in reference to women. Again, how many male films have you gone and complained in reference to women being treated like chattel or treated badly or weren't seen in a good light or were just eye candy in order to make some guy's dick hard? 0 is the answer.
No,I've just wasted enough time to analyze the usual babble of SJW crybabies to know that it's usually a regurgitation of reddit/tumblr imbecilities. I have read feminist authors. I used to be like you until I learned to use critical thinking.
...yes and you fail to see how your biast and sexist rhetoric falls into the same hypocritical nonsense that you say you hate don't you? I was never like you and am still not. Again, you did not answer my question. When did you ever question sexism against females in film since you are so vehemently against perceived sexism against men in film? I can guess AGAIN. The answer is never therefore you are still not using critical thinking. You just somehow think you are being logical and you're not.
"Biast?(sic)" That's no word for little girls to be playing around with. Especially when they are on a whining rampage (i.e.what you are doing). Further,I didn't say you were like me. I said I used to be like you : a mindless progressivist hero who thought himself to be at the vanguard of humanity for supporting a "righteous" cause against the evils of a mystical tyranny of oppressors. (What a waste of time and energy). Needless to say,I had my social justice ramblings and whining about women's suffrage like you're doing. As for now,I don't fight for a gender cause. Masculinism is equally ridiculous. If roles were reversed and Top of the Lake made it's female characters into stock characters,I would have said the same thing.
"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect." - Mark Twain
The fact that you think you know my gender and start gender shaming is very humorous considering your other statements. Yes, I don't always spell everything correctly but that doesn't necessarily mean I am stupid so please, quit acting like you are all superior. No I'm not like that. Instead now you are a conservative who hates women and only takes up for men. Yeah, you've come a long way baby. lol I fail to see that the male characters are 'stock' characters but to each his own...but that's not what your beef is as evidenced by your use of the word 'feminazi'. Again, you fail to see your own hypocrisy. You still did not answer my question. WHEN DID YOU EVER COMPLAIN ABOUT SEXISM AGAINST WOMEN IN A PARTICULAR FILM? Please don't tell me you never evidenced that because I know you have and it has existed for a very long time.
I don't ever complain of sexism because I find that whining about social issues in movies and shows to be a waste of time. My problem was with the cinematic and plot quality of the show. I wouldn't care if men or women were objectified if it made sense. If it added anything to the plot.It didn't. It only made the characters weak. I wasn't defending men.I was defending the time that I wasted watching this junk. And virtually every time there's objectification of women,it's just usually just cheap and obvious "explosion movies". The mere image of the cover will throw anyone off. The problem with top of the lake is that it pretends to be good and deep. It's pretentious but only has shallow quality (image).
I notice this abominable 'creation' you put on here did not include straight white male...wonder why? You find whining about social issues in movies is a waste of time yet you posted a thread doing the very thing you said is a time waster. How often do you complain about the white male patriarchy because you certainly love to use the word 'feminazi' to represent exactly how you feel about feminists? You keep saying you don't complain about social issues but you you anything that oppresses or shows a different view of the male patriachy bothers you. I don't have to ask why. When you supposedly were a social justice warrior, you gave a damn about minorities and perhaps females. What happened was now you only care about YOUR gender and YOUR race and it's doubtful by your comments that you are anything other than a white male but I'm sure you will deny that because you wish to supposedly 'disprove' my theory about you.
It's not a social issue. I'm not offended if you portray men in a negative light. I'm not "triggered" by anything. I was attacking the show itself which contained obvious ideological tendencies which,on top of being inappropriate in this type of cinematic work,also make the show poor in terms of storytelling. I don't care what ideology it is,to put it simply. I don't get how this is so hard to understand. Why do you need me to repeat myself?
And now your hypocrisy becomes even clearer as you as you're offended if I make an assumption about you yet claim I must be a straight white male vexed that someone has spoiled my evil patriarchal conspiracy. This is what you get when you argue with such a childish ideology.It was my mistake. I should have known better after all these years. Most literate and updated people in this day and age are already aware of the fallacies of modern feminism. I hope for your sake,you wake up from this delusion,let go of your hatred and find something better to do with your energy.
"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect." - Mark Twain
Right because your sweet little cartoon doesn't contain an ounce of hypocrisy does it? It just shows how you love your fellow human beings and people who aren't straight or white. It was so wonderful in its portrayal of someone who isn't white or of the 'proper' sexual preference. Of course you're not offended. That's why you went off on the evil misandric 'feminazi propaganda' that you saw in this film yet complain and whinge and post an offensive 'cartoon' of people who aren't as entitled as you are. You are despicable.
Ohhhh I knew you couldn't stay off this board for very long...Another lurker troll who hates this show but loves to come on and take a dump on everyone who does or circle jerk with those who feel the same way you do...I'm just so sorry that IMDB cleaned off the bulk of the comments you made from the past to show everyone just how much of a fu&*ckwit you really are.
I don't ever complain of sexism because I find that whining about social issues in movies and shows to be a waste of time.
Now that someone is pinning you down, you start lying. See, the problem here is that you titled your post "Feminazi propaganda." Right there you're whining about a social issue. Of course, now that you're attempting, and utterly failing, to sound reasonable, you pretend that your post is actually about something else.
I've not seen a bit of critical thinking in your posts, though. As you started this argument, all you said was that another poster used buzzwords (offering zero examples, of course, I suppose we're just expected to trust you on that, but we really, really don't), and you left a video to the alarmingly hateful and amazingly stupid (once suggesting that lions would fare better if we eat them, and the wolves deserve to be extinct, because they don't have enough offspring, absolutely ignoring the disappearance of habitat, so much for critical thinking) Amazing Atheist, a rape apologist who once taunted a victim, saying that he hoped she drowns in rape semen. You link to that atrocity, then you try to claim intellectual superiority? You'd be laughed out of any college, mate. Any community college. Sadly, the Internet, and specifically youtube, has trained the dim among us to believe the self-aggrandizing bloviating is the same as intellectual prowess, but it is not, and never can be. See: Trump, Donald, Angry Orange Child.
"all you said was that another poster used buzzwords" Factually false. And the buzzwords are there for anyone to see. There's no mental gymnastics needed to see it.
"and you left a video to the alarmingly hateful" So it's not the content of the reference, its context and meaning that you are interested in debunking. It's the persona of the individual to which the link directed to.
You can barely formulate and argument, let alone know what critical thinking is.
"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect." - Mark Twain
Now you're just trolling, since you're unable to defend your position, which, as anyone can see, has changed since you started. Now you throw out accusations against me without providing anything to back them up, which is beyond pathetic, honestly.
And yes, you are known by the people to whom you refer. If you provide a link to a fool in an effort to legitimize your position, then you should expect to be known as a fool. If you're incapable of even that level of understanding, then you're in worse shape than you know, mate.
I appreciate you restraining yourself from actually labeling me with buzzwords (albeit with cynical implications). I understand how hard that must truly be for a lot of people.
I naively went with the bandwagon and saw Mad Max on IMAX. Overhyped action flick. Does no more and no less than what it promises. 6/10
"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect." - Mark Twain