On a scale of 0-10 how did you like this movie?
I give this movie a 7/10, I thought there were some LOL moments but once they arrived to the convention the movie starts to drag on a lot.
shareI give this movie a 7/10, I thought there were some LOL moments but once they arrived to the convention the movie starts to drag on a lot.
I liked the scene where they were lighting up firecrackers in the motel room and the scene where Travis gets killed by a train.
shareThis doesn't make any sense? What is the version which is edited properly? It sounds to me that the final cut is the only available editing. And what is this huge gap? Fucking dumbass..
shareon a scale of 0-10, I couldn't even finish this movie. I gave up. Original Dumb and Dumber was a Masterpiece, I could put it on anytime and enjoy it just as much as I did on the first viewing.
This sequel, however, has zero rewatchability, in fact, I daresay even negative rewatchability and it saddens me.
I didn't hate it, but it was nowhere near as good as the first one.
I gave it a 5
1. I think 20 year sequels are a bad idea
2. It just seems like a paycheck for Daniels and Carrey
3. Feels like a rehash of the first movie
3/10 - Just bad.
I love the original film, but this one just isn't funny. I think I laughed maybe a couple of times and I can't see myself re-watching this for a decade or two if ever. I liked that it wasn't the same story as the first one, but their characters seemed to go from idiots who harmed people or things unintentionally, because they were so stupid, to actually mean spirited individuals who harmed people intentionally which wasn't funny imo.