The Mental Hospital

I know that Harry and Lloyd are dumb, but come on, are we really to believe that someone would fake being insane and live in an institution for 20 years as a joke? Also, how stupid are the doctors, nurses, and orderlies there that they don't know this guy is faking it. They needed to come up with a better opener than that.


Don't overthink "leave your brain at the door" comedies.


I agree with the OP


Mental illness is hard to both diagnosize and treat. It's not a cancer where a scanner or a biopsy will tell you clearly if something looks out of place. With mental health, most of the time you only have behavioral symptoms, and these can be faked much more easily. It would not be impossible for someone to fake being insane for a long time, though one could argue that doing it proves in itself that you do are insane.


are we really to believe that someone would fake being insane and live in an institution for 20 years as a joke?

Would it have been funny if it was only 5-10 years?? Sure...But NOT AS!!

Who's strangling the cat?


More importantly, it lasted 20 years so it could explain the gap between the two movies. If he had faked it for 5 years, it hardly would have had any point.


Can you imagine how boring Lloyd's life was faking that for 20 years?


Well like he said "It broke up the monotony." lol
