How About The Obvious

When Save-The-Day Sam dashed over to the Amber Alert vehicle at the gas station, aside from peering in all the car windows,trying the door handles, gasping, "Hey little girl!" and dropping her mic in the back seat, she could've actually thought to do the obvious - which would be to knock loudly and repeatedly on the car window and actually wake "little girl" up.
But nooOOOOooo!


Right! I wud have broke the car window rite there and taken her! That is if i was sure she was in danger.


Its really easy to say what you WOULD HAVE done in a situation youve never been in. This is a tricky one. I cant say that I would have broken the guys windows and taken the little girl. God forbid youre wrong, then youre the kidnapper. You would have to be in a situation like this to know what you WOULD do.


Or, you know, made a scene so that everyone was aware there was a kidnapped girl in the car. One car full of morons is nothing compared to a very busy gas station full of people confronting the guy.

Police aren't showing up? Call your local news station! Let them know you're outside of a house where a child is about to get molested. Just so much fail.


Police aren't showing up? Call your local news station! Let them know you're outside of a house where a child is about to get molested. Just so much fail.

that's actually a great suggestion. the news would've jumped all over this one. i mean if you call a local channel, they're probably broadcasting info about the amber alert already. they'd pounce on this:
"yeah, we followed the car and even met the guy, he's got a girl knocked out in his back seat and the cops have been ignoring us for hours"

news would have a field day with this. all that said, i guess it's realistic that these people didn't even think of it.


Bad Idea even if everybody was aware at the gas station that guy could have had a gun he(we saw all those guns at his house) and later in the film learn that he had a bat in the car


I assumed the girl had been drugged.....explains why the kidnapper felt comfortable enough to walk away from the car and leave it unattended for so long with the girl still inside. And it still took the kidnapper some force to wake her up, even quite some time after the gas station stop.


Oh man, the whole gas station scene I was thinking "break the window you idiot!!" I honestly could have seen myself doing that. I know its an impossible situation to put yourself in , but I feel like I would have broken a window to get that poor baby girl out. If it's not a kidnapped child then I would accept the consequences of busting out someone's window but when a childs life may be in danger there isn't anything I wouldn't do. I would have been HOUNDING those cops, calling 911 every two seconds until someone got their stuff together. Like a previous person said, cops won't listen, call the media. They'll listen then.


In Samantha's defense, she did try to open the car doors.
It would have been interesting to see that she managed to open a rear door, but couldn't get the girl out, and had to leave her. And explain to Nathan 'what could I do, drag a sleeping child out? or climb in the back seat?'
I think it also would have been interesting that when she was tapping on the windows and trying to get into the car that other customers started yelling at her, like they thought she was trying to steal from the car. That could have provided a point where he figured out they were following him.


They weren't sure at that time if the little girl was actually in trouble or his daughter. That's why she didn't do more! Pay attention next time.


She DID try to get in the car, and you can't know what you would do until you're in that situation. While I agree that she might should've caused a scene at the gas station, the police ALWAYS advise against that sort of thing because you never know what kind of weapon(s) the perpetrator is carrying (note the later scene where Nathan is listing off the weapons that he might have) or what he might do.

It also probably didn't help that Nathan was continually telling Sam that it might "just" be a custodial dispute (like that makes a difference).

I haven't finished the movie yet but so far I feel like my husband would be Nathan and I'd be Sam. He's big on not getting involved while I wouldn't be able to live with myself unless I found out for SURE that the child was okay.
