this movie sucks

This movie was recommended after i watched Megan is Missing. (Which, in
comparison is a masterpiece). If you really enjoy watching two of the
most annoying characters in movie history argue for an hour in a car,
then this movie is for you. There is nothing scary at all, the writer
of this film seems to think they have to fill every second with
dialogue. It's like watching a fat Jonas Brother and Katy Perry attempt
something heroic, but in the end they get what they deserved, sorry!


Uh, dude, the whole point of the movie was to be trapped with two whiny *beep* while they bicker over their moral obligations to the greater community. The kidnapped kid was just a red herring - duh!!!


duh! yourself! if i wanted to watch the two most annoying idiots bicker over moral obligations, maybe they shouldn't name the movie Amber Alert. Sorry your movie sucks.
