Was anyone else horriffied by the callousness of the male lead?
And I'm not talking about annoying dialogue or overly-loud shouting sequences.
I mean, really? You follow a car described in an amber alert that pulls over to talk to you, you don't want to take the driver up on his offer to let you call the police?It could only safely solve the whole problem and get the police out there faster.
Then when they found out this guy really did kidnap some little girl via th microphone, they wait for a legalized turn lane to turn around and follow him? WTF??? Some kidnapper and potential murderer/ pedophile has a little girl in the car and you don't cross the dirt and tumbleweed divider immediately to get on his tail?
Then, after he let the guy get away, all he can think of is his stomach. What a dirt bag. If somoene lets a guy get away with kidnapping , I don't care if you spend the rest of your life looking for that girl, you better damned make up for it, instead of talking about food and screaming how much you don't care. If I were the girl next to him, I'd never speak to that creep again.
We won't even go into his actions when they hear the pedophile molestig the little girl over the microphone. He deserves prison for hearing that and not doing all in his power to stop it immediately.
I don't know if his cowardice and ineptitude are more annoying or the cops. yeah, the kids could have been way more specific ,like maybe telling the cops they bugged the perps car and heard him tell the little girl she'd never see her daddy again, or hey, here's a new one...how about giving the mile post or nearest exit signs on the highway so the police can find you. Even with that, you'd think the police would have worked harder to get there instead of letting them follow the perps car for an HOUR AND A HALF! If that's how slow the police are in responding to someone who saw the car, what the heck is the point of an amber alert anyway?