Does anyone know any gay males that like football?
I'm not saying it isn't possible but I know a lot of gay males (all my friends) and none of them like football nor do they know of any other gay males who do. I'm just curious.
shareI'm not saying it isn't possible but I know a lot of gay males (all my friends) and none of them like football nor do they know of any other gay males who do. I'm just curious.
shareNot even going to read this dumb thread. I'm gay and most of the guys who I've ever been with or have looked my way my entire life have been football loving jocks. They're almost always closeted even after they come out they don't advertise but that doesn't make them straight. Stop stereotyping.
There are more hypermasculine gay men than there are feminine. Most gay men make straight men seem prissy.
OP here. I wasn't stereotyping and I wasn't trying to say that it is impossible for gays to like football and I sincerely apologize if I have offended anyone. I posted my initial message because I, personally, do not know a single gay male that likes football. I am gay, have been gay all my life, most of my friends are gay and most of their friends are gay and I have travelled in various circles in numerous cities and I can honestly say that I have NEVER met a gay man who was a football fan or at least they never let on that they were. and I'm not saying this just to be contradictory. Clearly there are gay males who like football ; they seem to have come out of the woodwork to post messages on this threat. Finally, this was not a "dumb thread", as you say, because it has proven to me that we really are a diverse community and I'm glad we don't all live up to the stereotypes that society (sometimes) places on us.
shareSounds to me like despite moving through different social circles, their common characteristics remain the same, which is actually quite logical when you think about it. Not all gay men are the same, so it makes sense that even within the gay culture, common interests would be the ones to attract friends to each other.
I know plenty of gay men who like, play and are even professional soccer players, just like many others in this thread, so I'm glad we all got to be heard.
"He shall be an adder on the path, to bite a horse's heel"share
well im gay and i like football and sports in general as do a lot of my gay friends.
shareDont a number of gay men actually play football!???
reminds me of Soap, back in the 1970s - the closeted gay football player!
from speculation ive heard so many times from actual players every team for sure has atleast one gay player.
shareI do as does my boyfriend and couple of our gay friends. Being gay doesn't automatically mean we all dress flashy and are into interior design. Not that there is anything wrong with that.
Absolutely, yes. As a matter of fact, I knew a respected sport columnist for the Dallas Times Herald (since closed) who is gay.
shareMy boyfriend is big into football. Way to stereotype.
-Endings, as it is known, are where we begin.
I'm a sensitive "femme" gay that goes nuts at football games. I relate to David on this show so much, we're so much alike (I def went as Tom Brady for Halloween! Pats baby!!). There's many different character traits in all of us. Try to be more open minded.
shareI did college football for 5 months and it was the most fun of my life. Soon there will be Rugby set up in my area and I will be part of that as well. I am masculine tall and 27 despite a silly username and have a deep voice.
shareThis topic reminds me of that scene in When Harry Met Sally... in which Sally asked her then-boyfriend:
"Do you think it's possible for a man and a woman to be friends?"
"Do you have any women friends?"
Same thing here, it's possible for a gay man to like football, but why must one out of two on this she be into it? (That's 50%--highly unlikely.)
I think making him a football fan and into outdoorsy stuff an ill-advised attempt to make at least one of the two relatable to Joe-Six-Pack. Well there are plenty of other shows for Joe to watch without compromising the characters. Frankly, for a show that calls it self The NEW Normal, they sure spend a lot of effort fitting them (especially the doctor) into the old normal.
"Well, for once the rich white man is in control!" C. M. Burns
I'm gay and I don't like football, but my closest gay friends is a football fanatic who runs the office football pool and gets the total ESPN football package during the season. Some gay guys like opera. Some like football. Some like neither. Some like both. Your personal gay social circle is just rather limited right now.