
Huge fan of Louis CK; standup aside, his directing and writing is often fantastic. I loved "I Love You, Daddy." But this, unfortunately, was a huge mess. Biggest issue was the acting, particularly from the lead who was so monotone and unconvincing in just about every scene that you have to wonder why Louis decided to partner with him on a film of all people. The writing was also not nearly as sharp as usual, save a few scenes here and there.

The film overall was just unpleasant and unappealing; funny at times, but it needed a stronger story and way better acting. The only actor who drew my eye was the black girl, and the potential relationship with her and the lead would have been interesting, but nothing comes of it. Nothing is really resolved, nothing is explored meaningfully, and you're left wondering why the hell you even bothered. A serious letdown from an otherwise brilliant artist. He's got better in him, I'm sure.
