MovieChat Forums > Black Mirror (2011) Discussion > Be honest: Would you have been killed by...

Be honest: Would you have been killed by the ADI's?

Just asking the question.


nope. ZERO participation in that crap


Nope. No matter how horrible someone might be, I never clamor for their death or torture. I do push for harsher penalties for people who abuse or kill animals, and for people involved in human trafficking, for example... but I don't believe in "an eye for an eye" type of "justice". From what I can see on the internet though, I think at least half of all people are guilty of leaving "Death to" type posts.


Just watched the episode today, it was a good premise with some fine performances but it really came down to the plausibility of having those ADI's able to permeate one's brain so easily that had me going 'yeah, not very likely'. Couldn't really understand how these things were able to sneak into someone's head so easily, through the ear canal or sinuses one would definitely know that something was close and you'd be swatting like mad to kill them. A good concept all the same just a little implausible in terms of lethality.

Life is always intense for a repo man.


Seemed plausible to me when one was able to fly into Clara's nose with two officers unable to protect her, and they knew that it was coming unlike the other victims. Keep in mind that these are probably stronger, faster and smarter than your average bee.


The bees? Nah, I don't think so. There are people I think the world would be better off without, but even with them, the worst I wish for is some sort of exile. I'm not Gandhi or anything, I just sometimes wonder, "Well what if there IS a Hell?" and would rather not do anything that might constitute an automatic ticket there.

"If you want to take over the world, we don't teach that, but give it a go."


I really don't think I would have been. Hate is such a negative, destructive emotion to carry around. I just wouldn't want to be a part of that.

Even people who send abuse to celebrities on twitter or Facebook - I just don't get the motivation. Put your energy into improving your life and the world around you.


Nope. I don't give a damn about hashtags and trends


No. I don't do social media. My opinion is that people on Facebook and Twitter have too much time on their hands. I also do not own a smart phone. All I can do with it is call and text, but that's all I need. Old Skol here.



I think some people here are reading your question incorrectly. I believe what you're asking is if any of us are the type that people would have voted to kill?

For me, probably not. I don't do social media, and if I have opinions, it's anonymous. Or, so I think it is. :) But the fact that you ask this, makes me think you must have some strong opinions online.


Oh hell! If that's the question, I'm a dead man.



LOL! Yeah, I think that's what the OP meant. In the episode, different victims were trending #1 each day, the leading vote getter would be killed by the ADIs.


Oh Farts! Now I'll have to go into hiding.



dont think so. he/she is asking the more relevant question of whethor we would join the lynch mob.

there's always candidates around for lynching. the real question is what sorts make up the mob, am -i- even, perhaps, one?


It only killed 3 people who were hated. Then it killed hundreds of thousands of haters. Someone in the episode stated it well, something like, "the hated were the bait, the haters are the real targets". So the OP's question could be asking "would you fall into either category", but I think it was asking "would you have voted/participated in the hashtag, and been killed during the final phase?"

I suppose we could answer both since it's all hypothetical.

I'm not popular enough on any platform to worry about becoming hated in a widespread fashion, so no to that. Although the third girl went viral for doing something dumb, and that could happen to anyone with a lapse in judgment.

And I'm careful not to actually wish physical harm upon any public figure, no matter how much I hate them. I'm a bleeding heart, so I don't believe in the "eye for an eye" mentality. And even if I did hate someone to that extent, I'd never post it on social media, because I know there can be legal ramifications to that. I don't want to end up on some sort of watch list!


My answer is "no" :-)
