MovieChat Forums > Steve Jobs (2015) Discussion > 5 reasons to avoid this so-called movie-...

5 reasons to avoid this so-called movie---like the plague.

1.It was too long, boring, no action, no plot, incessant bickering between miscast characters.
2.It felt like a movie based on a play---the location never really changed.
3.Fassbinder did not resemble Jobs in the slightest, even in Levis & a turtleneck, he never felt believable.
4.It told us next to nothing about Apple’s past nor Jobs himself, except that he was a big a-hole.
5.It actually made the other Jobs movie look good, although that one sucked as well.

Yo, if you want to know Apple's history, Steve Jobs' background and much more, check out: Triumph of the Nerds, from the 90s. It is far better than any of these worthless dramas recently released.


Wow James!! Great writing on your part. You have presented your argument very well. Not all movies need multiple settings or big action scenes in order to be entertaining. I thought that Fassbender did an excellent job and as usual Danny Boyle was spot on. The storyline of parent and child was heartbreaking.


I didn't find it heartbreaking at all, but just plain boring and off-topic. I think they should have named this Lisa Jobs, not Steve Jobs. It's true that not all movies need "big action" to be entertaining, but you can expect little action when it's based on a play; this one was not. After 15 minutes of listening to Fassbinder rant & rave, I had had enough. I'm glad you enjoyed it.


Those are hilarious. Some are typical, but I really like the

It felt like a movie based on a play---the location never really changed.

Ha Ha Ha. Don't you just HATE when that happens. Seriously, it makes me wonder why the art-form of the "play" even exists. You too, huh?


Glengarry Glen Ross.



"So-called movie"...? Are you saying that it isn't actually a movie?
