I was blown away by this film and I've only read three or four comments on the board and I think people are missing a huge point. The historical inaccuracies and fictional stuff is used on purpose. It's to showcase years of a man's life in one scene. His growth, failure and overall maturity. I had no interest in seeing this film, because Steve Jobs' life didn't interest me. He was a spoiled brat, who used people and then at the end of his life was celebrated and I didn't want to see anything that painted this picture of Steve Jobs the hero. Guess what? Danny Boyle did it perfectly, even the ending, where we know this isn't true, but he left the world with people feeling as if he did it all for them. I've yet to see Revenant, but I will be very impressed if DiCaprio is actually better than Fassbender. I felt the Big Short was robbed by Spotlight, but this film surpasses them both. I realize the Oscars are a joke now, but this film deserved to haul in much more than it did.