I hate screenwriters trying to rewrite history
In reality Jobs started NeXT computer because he really wanted to make a new computer and thought he could make it the most popular computer around. At some point after it was deemed a failure, Apple was in trouble and wanted him back.
So the screenwriters give us this BS monologue when he's launching the NeXT Computer in 1988 where he reveals his grand master plan about how Apple is going to need an OS and they are going to have to come to him of course, buy NeXT for half a billion in stock and give him end to end product control. Just to be clear, Apple hired him and bought NeXT for $427 million in 1996!!!
What?! Were they high when they wrote this thing? That makes like zero sense and certainly wasn't the way it actually happened. What a fantasy. It's like Monday morning quarterback revisionism making Jobs to be some sort of Machiavelli-Nostradamus hybrid.