Misleading Synopsis

"A dystopian world where there are no women..."

Ermmm... but there are, just not in the town where Viola crash landed.

Crap film, crap marketing.


Why were there no women in the town where Viola crash landed? Was it just homosexual men who lived there? Disgusting. I'll never watch this crap film if it's just promoting a gay society.


Viola will show them a better way: https://ibb.co/0VrZjC5


I will pay to watch that sequel.


Well if it was a homosexual town isn't the takeaway that a gay city ends in chaos? Or that all you need to turn gay mean is a horse faced chick?


Troll alert or is this a satirical comment against crazy terrorist right wingers? Most ships were only sailed by men at one time. Did that make them all homosexual? Lots of movies/tv shows/countries (especially muslim/Indian ones) are sausage parties. Look at the new Magnum and the ridiculous replacement of Higgins with the hot English chick as a way to overcompensate for this. Doesn't make them gay. What's more is just having gays in a movie doesn't promote gay society. WHAT'S MORE is gays like women and vice versa. Ever notice that women are more attracted to gay men and that fag hags hang out with them?


Most ships were only sailed by men at one time. Did that make them all homosexual?

No, because they regularly came to port where there were plenty of alluring ladies, even if it was halfway across the globe. Did you ever read about The Bounty expedition where the guys relished in the native lasses of Tahiti?


were you disapointed that the world wasnt totally womenless?
The poster should have given that away!


Ever notice that people who hate gays also hate women, lending to the suspicion they are closet homosexuals? I've noticed that, bet you've noticed that too.


I don't think anyone has ever noticed such a thing.


The immaturity and idiocy of some of you on these boards is astounding...

No wonder Hollywood thinks it can get away with producing misleading, amateur crap like this for public consumption.

Why bother even trying when the audience now mainly consists of Beavis and Butt-Head clones?



it's a bit sad, isn't it.

But then, these are the days of the headline containing all the information needed to form an opinion of a thing. Reading further, is a lost art.


Totally including the acronyms trying to imply what you're doing with your body language like *shaking my head*. Fucking immature. And the sign of the real crazies are the ones who want us to think they are laughing with acronyms.
