One thing that aggravates me...
One thing that i cannot stand is when somebody announces they do not like a particular film, and then another poster says "Well thats because you're too stupid" or "you just don't understand cause ur not deep".
I have seen these arguments for so many different films and I am sick of it. If you liked a film that someone else didn't (like this), it does not make you smarter or more patient.
I personally didn't like this film, nor many others in the same vein (though i did think this film actually put effort into its visuals instead of showing a black and white image with classical music over the top).
I understand the film, I get what some of you think it was about. I get that many of you feel it had a deeper meaning. Yet so many people defending this film have completely different interpretations. So how can you attack someone for disliking a film when even the people who love it disagree on its themes and motifs?
People are supposed to discuss films. But anyone who says things along the lines of, "they just don't like it because they can't handle anything different",are arrogant and come off as snobs.
If you do not like this film, you are not automatically dumb or shallow. If you like this film, you are not automatically pretentious or smarmy. But if you like this film then attack someone as being "dumb or shallow" for not liking it, or fail to acknowledge that some art-house films can definitely be seen as hackneyed or lazy, then you are a pretentious person who feels elevated above others simply over whether or not you like a piece of art.