Blatant Plot Hole
It's not like this made-for-Lifetime movie was supposed to be high art or anything. But I enjoyed it.
Nonetheless, there is a terrible, overt plot hole that any writer should have covered.
Zenya's death is unusual. Everyone must admit that kind of occurrence doesn't happen often, such that foul play would be immediately suspected and not ruled out until all avenues are examined. As a result, the police would've investigated any motive for a possible homicide. The first place they would've looked is her computer, and they'd have easily found that Zenya was chatting online with this "guy" she met and had plans to meet up with. The IP address would have been easily tracked to Georgia's house, and after a full investigation, she would very likely have been arrested.
But the movie passes it off as "kids trying to steal her gas; they don;t know what ignited it." No way. There would have been a massive criminal investigation. It was a freakin' car that blew up in an upper class suburban neighborhood.
Anyway, like I said, didn't ruin the movie for me or anything...just pointing it out.