'18 is just a number'
I practically forced myself to keep on watching, even if i threw up in my mouth a few times.
Definitely not made by feminists, the title is indeed misleading. It felt like propaganda, a lot of psycho-babble to "explain" and dare I say, excuse pedophilia.
They go through all the evolution theories I've heard before about short lifespan in the stone ages, about how men and women were wired for the survival of the species to explain why a man will find a young woman more attractive than the older one.
Then, they move up the history ladder and talk about the practice of pederasty in ancient Greece, normalizing hebophilia, how it was not frowned upon, but rather regarded with a certain respect among the society, broadly part of social life.
What the movie makers accomplished, or at least tried to in reality, is tell the viewer that pedophilia is not the bad thing society makes it out to be by deciding the legal consenting age to be 18 (showing how it was set to 18 in westernized countries because of, among other things, sex would not mess with the teenagers' "education"!!!!) but in fact, over the globe, it ranges from 9 years old to 20 years old. How can some countries be right and others be so wrong?
They then proceed to explain that in fact, what is really frowned upon by society is infantophilia, which is sex with prepubescent kids, aging from 0 to 13 years old. They also have "experts" explaining that a pedophile that is non-active is just fine, it’s those who act upon their feelings that we need to send to jail. Saying something to the effect that we cannot punish someone for something thought of but not acted upon.
Basically, its it’s fine to sexualize a kid in puberty, to prey on them and to have sex with them because, society very arbitrarily decided 18 was the legalized consenting age! Its It’s easy enough to have a 14, 15 or 16 year old girl convinced she's in love and wants to have sex with an older man.
So, I don't believe all men are pedophiles, or hebophiles. That being said, I still think its wrong for grown men to have sex with teenage girls.