Pedophile's rights???

The only review remarks a true point: the OVER sexualization of this society is turning things up side down. So what is next, pedophiles will demand also their rights (as an "orientation") and claim it is OK to keep these activities?

Orwell was right!

Shut up and LIVE!



You are confusing orientation and action. As the reviewer stated, there are probably a large number of people who are attracted to children but never act on that attraction - in fact, would never dream of doing so. I would be surprised if there weren't many such people in such positions as teachers, youth workers or counsellors.

Perhaps you should explain why people should be penalised for having an attraction. Being a paedophile no more makes you a child molester than being a heterosexual makes you a rapist.



The statement from Lex100 is actually completely logical - the reactions to logical statements however are completely illogical. That's why phobias [from the latin Phobos meaning fear] are deemed as illogical fears.
Killer Movie - Lex100 was not stating that adults should be free to abuse children, Lex was stating that orientation is a feeling and if you act on those feelings then that is an action. If you look at the latin derivative then paed or pais is latin for child, where as philia is latin for love. You can not state that a feeling is an offence, people can feel whatever they want without justification. However if you decide to act upon your feelings then those actions are subject to actionable consequences. It is similar to prejudice and racism. Prejudice is a thought process and therefore can not be challenged. Racism however is an act - i.e. if you write, take part in violence or any other action against a person based on color, then that is racist - the racist act is then subject to a reaction.
Back to Lex100 - just because a man is in 'philia' with a woman then that is love - a feeling. However if the man forces the woman against her will in a sexual way that that is a punishable act.
In fact Killer_Movie you will be hard pressed to find any legal system where Paedophilia is a crime. People can be charged with sexual assault, rape, child abuse, grooming, sex with a minor etc but the actual crime of Paedophillia does not exist, well not in any country that I know of anyway.


What tends to happen with these pedophiles who only have an attraction is that in order to live out their fantasies, they rely on images and videos of child sex abuse. These images are produced using actual children. That is why it possession child porn is an arrestable offense.


Like Lex100 stated - you are confusing orientation/feelings with actions. I don't understand what 'rights' you think would be demanded. Just because you feel something does not mean that the law should then grant you the right to act upon those feelings.
Many people feel like killing someone, smashing something, running naked through a public space, drinking alcohol in Dubai but they don't act upon those feelings as it it most likely against the law. Laws exist to shape actions not feelings. You are confusing feelings and actions which is the normal, if illogical response when it comes to children's welfare.
If interested Pedophilia is not a love towards children it is a subset of chronophilia - sexual attraction based upon a limited age range. Pedophiles are attracted to pre-pubescents hebeophila is an attraction to pubescent youths. According to the the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders there are at least eight chronophilia based disorders ranging right up to graeophilia - sexual preference for the elderly.


In response to everyone, Pedophilia is an actual mental disease & a defected sexual orientation that is imo incurable. It is no different than a heterosexual or homosexual. Way back they used to try to cure people from being gay with a variety of things, books,video, heck I wouldn't rule out electroshock therapy. Of course now we all know we are what we are & sexual orientation is something that cannot be changed no matter what you can do to a person. For example(I'm extra sensitive to these matters from being incarcerated) but I was The highest level trustee in the prison, I had access to keys, peoples case files, all property of inmates. So being I went into the property of a convicted pedophile, I was curious & was planning to toss or lose the guy's sh!t. This man had 7 or 8 large hardcover text books and they were all about rehabilitation & prevention of continuing there behavior. This guy was a repeat offender, and all the text in the world cannot change his defected orientation and once released will continue his crimes. This man should have been locked away for good or killed by the state, of course his case is on the extreme side. Ok I'm losing my point. I guess it is that orientation can't be cured.

Now here is where I have trouble understanding that there is such a large populous out there that has this orientation but does not ever act upon it.Do you honestly think there is that many "sleepers" walking around? If so, throw out a number out of say the 360 million Americans. How do you classify kiddie porn being found on someone's computer? Is that person not bad? He didn't act upon his urge to go out & sexually assault a child but has no problem masturbating at home on the daily basis. Is he not guilty of pedophilia?

I feel like killing someone or kicking the crap of someone all the time but don't do it because of the penulty of law, if I could do it and not be arrested I would do all the time maybe not kill people but beat the sh!t out of someone. So you're saying that it's no big deal to have the urge & feelings of pedophilia as long it's kept in the mind keeping it held inside, what would happen if you knew you could do it knowing you could never be punished? Would the feelings be acted upon? This is my biggest question. For now at least

Also I was confused whether you guys or gals were talking about attraction to prepubescent children or tweens & teenage people, Because I find it much much worse to have any attraction to young children that qualifies as a serious mentally defective sexual orientation to me.

I married my wife when I was 20 & she was 17 & that was all fine, but in prison when I was down in S.H.U. or "the hole"(very horrible place) when they led us out of the cell for about an hour once a week & they lock us in dog cages basically & the guy next to me was there for fighting because people found out his charges as a sex offender. I guess he was 18 & she was 14-15 & now he was marked for life, has to register as a sex offender wherever he lives now for the rest of his life, I felt bad for the guy. I guess the girls parents got wind of it & took serious action. So the system is far from perfect.

Out of coffee end rant:[

620 Good Horror Films From 2000-2012


I have to admit that I took you for one of the many, the unknowing reactionary that is so prevalent in the world. Your response is a refreshing surprise on IMDB so I'm going to respect this by giving it the due attention it deserves.
Thanks for sharing based upon a set of experiences that a majority of us have no clue about.




a.p.: I'm glad you took that one on first because it locked me up after reading, everything you said is as I would have put it. Just because I believe that pre-teen pedophilia is a sexual predetermination compared to a particular bad habit or evil intention learned does not by any means validate my approval of any type of child porn. When it comes to child pornography pics or vids, in everyone of those pictures while yes they may have been taken by others, each child was possibly mentally scarred by the action, plus you wonder what other illegal act went on with each child besides the picture being taken. On the offender's side, I see the argument, if you can use the pictures & because of them manage to never touch a child, then that is positive. Therefore I'm seriously split on the issue, I try to have an open mind & take every view & possible outcome into these issues. It's obviously an issue that won't go away & something that people(especially parents) would rather not think of all together. Out of all the talk in the world I believe there is in fact no solution to this very volatile subject. It comes down to recognizing you have a problem & doing everything possible to avoid acting on it, I said it a lot on other threads but a successful "pedophile" can be very much like a normal person & live a normal life. I'm attracted to women & regardless of how hot I see them as I cannot just take them behind a bush & rape them because it's my sexual orientation. Also it's not unlike many homo or hetero adults of both sex to go long periods without sex. So there is NO excuse for it and I still firmly believe anyone that acts on their urges should get a seriously long prison sentence for it, 2-3 times what adult 2 adult rape gets.

As a side note, for anyone thinking of violating these laws, you're prison experience will be like hell inside of hell, prison sucks as it is but for pedophiles every day is like four days, as you will have to commit yourself into what is called P.C.(protective custody) where you are locked down 23.5 hours a day(I spent 90 days locked down 24/7 w/5 minutes out 3 times a week for a shower 10 ft from your cell). Or you can always just stay on the block where everyone knows your crimes & is your enemy, you have no group to blend into, & if you don't hang it up yourself someone may give you a hand tying the knot while someone else puts 3 foot of a broomstick up your *BEEP*. So you have some perspective & my 2-cents



"I don't follow you when you say adult raping child should be punished 3x as heavy compared to adult raping another adult"

While I feel rape of any kind can literally ruin someone's life, I just think when it's done to a child it's completely robbing them of their innocence & nothing can restore it, So in turn I believe the punishment should be more, I feel this way because I have seen how easy people have gotten off, sometimes it's not much more than a slap on the wrist, but it's when the offender repeats his crime, that is when I really get angry, I feel if a person cannot control themselves to that degree a harsher penulty should be hammered down. Tbc...need to move my car it's snowing like he!!!

633 Good Horror Films From 2000-2012


"On the offender's side, I see the argument, if you can use the pictures & because of them manage to never touch a child, then that is positive."

I know I'm replying 4 years late on the thread but...

IMO, The problem with viewing child porn material (real or fake) as an alternative to acting it out, is that it still sends the message to the psyche that fantasies can and do exist somewhere, and that they *can* be acted out, if only in a dream. I think that makes the individual that much more likely to try to act out their fantasies at some point. This is aside from the obvious fact that if someone is watching *real* child pornography, they are contributing to an underground industry that thrives on real rape and molestation. And if it's fake - it still encourages the 'industry' by indicating that there is a demand.

I think of it like this - If you are a diabetic with a sweet tooth, you know that the bottom line is that you can't consume sugar. Looking at pictures of glazed doughnuts and cheesecake doesn't really appease anything, other than keep you in a state in which you are likely to violate your bottom line.


'Pictures of nude children in medical journals, fake pictures of nude children, cartoons of non-existent nude children and some times pictures of child nudists (it varies by countries and states) are COMPLETELY LEGAL. And you can fap at your hearts content.'

Haha aeternus, especially those nude patches for games like Lolipop Chainsaw, and yes it's mostly adults playing those games. According to many a rabid feminist such activity is a fav pastime for all adult males. But for real, probably most guys could really care less for their school years. Only type I see that are really into that sort of thing are former jocks reminiscing their glory days.





He didn't act upon his urge to go out & sexually assault a child but has no problem masturbating at home on the daily basis. Is he not guilty of pedophilia?
There's nothing wrong with masturbating to children if no real children were involved. And you cannot be "guilty" of pedophilia any more than you can be "guilty" of being heterosexual.


She was 14? That's not pedophilia. Pedophilia or paedophilia is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children, generally age 11 years or younger.

Most of the world says 14 is the age of consent. Only in America, some of south Africa and India do we set the age of consent at 18 or over.

If she was 14 then he is completely normal for having sex with her.




"Paedophilia is not the same as being heterosexual or homosexual.

Age isn't defined physically. It is a fetish. You can't be sexually attracted, physically, to someones age.

There is nothing your body defined that can make you sexually attracted to someone specifically because of their age. Because an age is arbitrary. Someone can look incredibly young but be 25 or 30. Or a child can be incredibly young but look, sometimes impossible to determine the difference by eye, to be 25.

It is a fetish, not a sexuality."

I can't say that I'd agree with any of that, I've said before this is not a black & white or two-sided subject, your outlook just affirms how different people's interpretations are. Initially, especially when locked up, you almost become "trained" to want to physically attack someone that falls into the large group & range of sex offenders. It's all just 2 sided in there, it's really no different in the general public either. I've posted already that I firmly believe pedophilia is absolutely definitely a sexual orientation. The public hears of a case & see's the arrested & says he is so very sick, how on earth could a person ever see a child & get aroused! This is not any kind of a fetish, not even slightly. Honestly, think about it truly, how exactly can you think someone can grow to an adult as a heterosexual & what, one day they get bored & suddenly get aroused by thinking of children? That it wasn't predetermined in any way at all? Is that your firm belief that this is picked up suddenly like a cough or a cold? My outlook when I first posted on this board was very ignorant to the issue at hand, never had I put it all together & used common sense, my own knowledge,fact & opinions of others. I believe that an intelligent individual that isn't completely close minded can look at all of this and come to know it is an actual sexual ORIENTATION. I believe I've reached the end of my discussion on the issue having learned a bit & gave my utmost honest opinions to everyone here and hope to have contributed in some way or another regarding the topic.


633 Good Horror Films From 2000-2012


Being a pedophile only means that you're attracted to children. It doesn't necessarily mean anything else. It's a disorder. Many pedophiles try to fight their urges, but they cannot get professional help because of the stigmatization from society. I know, in some places in the US at least, that if a pedophile admits his attraction to his therapist, he will be registered as a sex offender, even if he or she hasn't done anything criminal. They should be helped with sexuality oppressing medicine and therapy. I believe that we would have many, many less children being molested if we focused on rehabilitation instead of punishment for something they cannot fight on their own.

How can you tell if you're drunk if you're never sober? - Andrew Knightley


I challenge you to show me just one example of someone being forced by law to register as a sex offender in the US for admitting they are a pedophile even if they never had sexual contact with a child or was caught with child porn.


Pedophiles are already demanding rights. You knew that was coming right? Look up NAMBLA or the Pedophile Information Exchange in the UK. These sickos want to abolish the age occurred consent and legalize incest. These pmar idiotic psychopaths have no shame and a huge sent of entitlement.
