I'm sick of all the complaining, watch the film before you open you MOUTH!

For the first time in history the tables have turned on men. In the past "Witch-Hunt" was associated with women but now it is associated with men. In an effort to protect our children society has started to isolate men. This documentary explores the pedophilia hysteria and how all men are viewed as potential pedophiles. How did society come to such a conclusion and what are the political and social consequences? Have men really become victims of modern sexism or is the increase in sexism justified? Are All Men Pedophiles?


If you only interview women on the subject, you are presenting a biased viewpoint.

End of discussion.

You're a troll.


I think when you come out with this generalization that "All men find females most sexually attractive at the age of 16."

Granted, I'm not a man, and I find 16 year old boys kind of funny-looking, I see many young girls as being skinny and weird-looking, too. I think this is a European thing, maybe?

Anyway, the whole film is just riddled with hasty generalizations and awful, illogical arguments. Since when does the age of the Virgin Mary have to do with anything? Or that one 13-year-old dated an 18-year-old and isn't traumatized by it? That hardly counts as more than an anecdote, not evidence of anything.


You know, I agree with you that this movie has a bunch of generalizations, but you're kinda silly. Did you know that?

You aren't a man, so you can't inherently understand. Also, as the show even pointed out, girls/women tend to be attracted to older men, not boys.

Ultimately, the age of the Virgin Mary was given as evidence that the world used to be different when it came to ages for sex and childbearing. It's a useless factoid, though, considering the mythological status of the person and events in question. As for the part about the 13 year old who dated the 18 year old, it is basically an anecdote when taken alone. The issue is that no studies have been done on statutory "rapes" where the girl below 18 consented to the relationship and the sex. We just assume the guy is a pedophile and that the girl was in a non-consentual, traumatic relationship. We're so big on punishments for sex in this country that we ignore the fact that those punishments might be doing more harm than good.


It's NOT an European thing and it's a statement that applies to most men. For reproductive reasons, males seek sexually mature but young females, conditions wich are met by 16 year old females. At 16, they are the youngest among sexually mature women.

Of course, when we take into account personality, chemistry and other factor more important for a relationship than simple physichal beauty, normal men would prefer someone close to their age, but from a strictly biological POV, the documentary is right.

reply hadn't figured that out from the title?



Witch hunts have always been associated with men too.
Just feminist made themselves out to be the only ones allowed to be victims and people closed their eyes to anything that has happened to men in the past and present.
