'Are All Women Pedophiles?'

Naturally if a film like this were made, the feminists would be up in arms, yet they would be up in arms if anyone protested this title.


Yea, this stupid film is another feminist move to further aggravate men, yet in the news all we keep hearing about is female teachers *beep* teen boys left & right lol.


No idea what this film is about, but teenage boys have reached puberty, so it's not pedophilia. Pedophilia is the attractiveness to pre-puberty children. There's a different term for teenage attraction, even though I can't remember it's name.



So since teenage girls have reached puberty would you say it's okay for them to be involved with older men? If your answer is no, then your answer should also be no for teenage boys.


Who said anything about that? I've never said teenage girls or boys should do anything, I just pointed out what pedophilia is.

Killing your neighbor is wrong, but it's not patricide.



In my state, child molestation involves those 12 and under, and having sexual relations with someone under 18 is Statutory Rape. And I assume most states have similar laws. So the title is mislabeled and yeah, just because the supposed lady on the cover was attractive to many and looked adult but was really 14 that doesn't make them a pedophile. That's like saying every guy that looks at women putting themselves on display in public is one.


'There's a different term for teenage attraction, even though I can't remember it's name. '

Ephebophilia or something like that, or whatever new term they come with every now and then.


technically, attraction to pubescent teens is called hebephilia but people are too lazy to be specific about two things that are both the same crime on paper.


Yes, all men are pedophiles/ephebophiles. Don't one of you pretend like you've never looked at an underage girl and had some dirty thoughts, you're either, gay, or a liar. Especially with today's generation, where half of them have huge boobs by the time their 13, and are already beginning to look like women, never mind the clothing so many teenagers wear now a days.

This film wasn't made to irritate men. It was made to show how society sexualizes under age girls, and then condemns man when we have a look.

Fortunately, thoughts are not crime.

Boy Wonder 9/10
Seeking Justice 6/10
The Hole 6/10
Control 7/10
Drive 7/10


Total bollocks!

Something, who knows what, in my mind automatically looks at a person's face and without me even thinking about it I'm aware, or supposedly aware, of their age and if they appear too young I will instantly look away and carry on with my day.

You simply cannot label everyone as x or y as we're all different in minor or even major ways.


He justifies his behaviour by believing that everyone does it and that it's someone else's fault...


Pedophilia is the primary sexual attraction to girls under 9 years of age (pre-pubescent girls).
Puberty usually begins at 9 years of age with breast enlargement. The average age of menarche is 12.
Biologically, a child who is not hit puberty. Teenager who is entering puberty. And adult is who reached the reproductive capacity.
The age of consent in most US states, was 10 or 12 years. Until 1920.
People enter puberty to have sex. The US consent laws are against the natural human condition.
The age of majority is usually to 18 years. But what turns a girl into a woman's puberty. Puberty is the real Majority. I would say the biological Majority.
As the average age of menarche is 12 years old. We can say that a woman of 12 years old is an adult. Since the reproductive capacity is the main feature of an adult...


are you suggesting gay men aren't men? The thought crossed my mind with the title...

altho i realize the title was just to be provocative


Did you even watch the film?


Naturally, you didn't bother o watch the film - or even find out what it's about. And for some bizarre reason, you think this is a feminist film. It's not. Grow up. You'll enjoy life far more, kiddo, if you try to use that brain of yours for more than hate and prejudice.


No, this isn't some sort of feminist propaganda as some attempt to say without viewing the film. It gets rather trying and tiresome to deal with overly reactive responses.

I actually thought the film was too short and became dismayed the director didn't elaborate in further detail how the current fashion industry feeds into the fascination with teen models and hides behind the facade of art as an excuse. I've been turned off by the industry since the 90's when young girls were replacement of young women on the fashion runways, magazine covers, commercials and advertising. Maybe there will be a follow-up film about Ephebophilia in the future….I hope so.


Whenever someone says that women are not capable of raping men, I always refer to them to the Hermesmann v. Seyer case.
source: http://law.justia.com/cases/kansas/supreme-court/1993/67-978-3.html


Really that's the example you give? A 13 year willingly having sex with a 17 year old is not rape, that's barely statutory rape, I don't even think that counts as statutory rape in a lot of places since that law is mostly meant for 18+ taking advantage of teenagers


Better analogy would be Are All Women Prostitutes?


there would be outrage cause women arent pedophiles

"Du er jo ikke engang lesbisk, Mona!"
