Poor writing

This show started with so much potential. But poor story writing and execution let it down. It became so predictable that it became a joke! Such a shame because I really thought it would improve but it never did.

I think that they were wrong to kill off the "box-killer" so soon, he was the most interesting part of that season. He was the first killer in this show that sent shivers down my spine.

I think they should have focused less on Joe as his character was ultimately flawed, since his "grand-plan" was nowhere near grand.

The worst part for me was how poorly bacons character was written throughout the latter episodes.

Sorry about the rant, but it's just a shame something with potential became one of the worst shows I've ever watched.

The end was a joke! I couldn't stop laughing


What on earth made you think that your opinion matters?!


haha very mature of you. I'm not going to sink to your level


You're already below my level, sweetie.



Are you mad because he is right? This is such a predictable hack show. Every episode is basically the same Ryan does something stupid someone sneaks up behind him (sometimes other agents)

Honest to God the people involved in this hack fest should be ashamed of themselves. It truly speaks to the stupidity of the TV audience that it was nominated and won Emmy's. That is wasn't cancelled after the first 4 episodes says horrible things about the TV audience in the US. They are counting on people being stupid.

It is so bad that it is almost fun to watch. I


Haha you believe that


Yeah, the show had a piss-poor writing team. Everyone acts like a moron just so they can move the plot forward, even when it goes completely against their character. And Joe Carroll wasn't nearly as cerebral as he should have been. He was like Hannibal Lecter's less impressive little brother. I finished the first two seasons (had to drag myself through the second) and have virtually no interest in seeing the third. Crap show.


Thanks for your opinion, I couldn't agree more with you, I'm a big fan of great police series and the following its ridiculously funny...I was laughing watching some ep, so nonsense!!!


I watched the first season (and some episodes of the 2nd) while watching The Mentalist.
And trust me, even the latter makes a more realistic portrait of what the FBI and a crime investigation should be.


Agreed! The protagonists in The Following are like the stupid victims in one of Williamson's slashers. It's pretty epic how many dumb decisions trained lawenforcement agents do in a single episode of The Following. Funny stuff if you are able let go how infuriatingly dumb the characters are.
