I figured out why everyone linked to Ryan gets killed
As I typed the girl sneaks up on Ryan on a subway platform AGAIN? Every freakin episode someone sneaks up on this moron. LAZY writing
Everyone close to Ryan does because- Apparently Ryan has the ability to transfer some sort of magical drop in IQ and or make people forget training basics. Honest to God this show is so bad. I am now 4 episodes in to season 2 and I can't wait to see what stupid/lazy plot line or or hacky writer's blunder is going to happen next.
EVERY episode some bad guy from the cult sneaking up behind either Ryan or someone he cares about and wacks them in the head, drugs them with a syringe or stabs them.
And all the LEAs are apparently mavericks that want to go it alone even though the cult manages to kill HRT members, FBI agents, cops, etc with little or no problem.
Screw training I am going it alone- 2 minutes later in a dark room, hallway, museum, staircase, ferris wheel, ferris wheel someone always manages to sneak up from behind and knock the person out.
Ryan has had someone sneak up on him so many times I am starting to wonder if he has had some kind of brain damage and that is why he keeps making the same mistakes every episode.
Seriously, the writers and Director(s) producers etc are the laziest group in TV history. We have all heard of the 6 degrees of separation with Kevin Bacon- This show is so bad that they should take anyone in the business who falls in to that 6 degrees of separation and run then out of town and forbid them from working again.
I demand an investigation in to this series- This has to be a plot to either dumb down Americans or is some kind of test to see jut how pathetic a show can be and still have fans.
Ok that is harsh but anyone who thinks this series has any value except to create a new bottom standard for TV they just weren't paying attention. The writers are laughing at you. Every hack move known to screen writers has been used.
For example, the season 1 finale- anyone that didn't immediately know that Joe crawled out of the boathouse via a trap door has to either be stoned or really stupid. anyone that didn't realize that Claire and Joe were going to get attacked by the neighbor chick has no business watching TV.
And so far the only really good part of Season 1 is when Joe, Ryan and Claire were alone in the lighthouse keepers place and Ryan basically gives a review of the writers of the show when he [paraphrasing here] Joe this is the worst story ever it is lazy and obvious-
That in a nutshell describes this show- Lazy, unimaginative, hacktastic garbage that is obvious and lazy.
It is so bad I can't help but watch it to see how low it sinks.
Season 2 is already just horrible and again- obvious. Yes, the art store lady is in on it Jesus. Yes, the daughter is going to kill her whore mom, yes Joe is going to get knocked down and so will several other cops- yes the bad guy will get away because someone usually Ryan blunders- And a million other obvious things- How do I know? Because the same things happened in every episode of season 1
Seriously bad.