MovieChat Forums > The Following (2013) Discussion > This show predicted what's going on in I...

This show predicted what's going on in Israel...

the concept of random people going stabbingly psycho without a care for their own lives seemed almost laughable when this show premiered, but now it's getting frighteningly real

"what is your major malfunction numbnuts?!!"


What does what you're saying have to do with Israel? It sounds more like Isis.


Have you been watching the news? Lol.


Yes, and its all about Isis not Israel


Ok, in case you're really not well informed, 20 separate public knifings, and a couple vehicle run overs, have happened in Israel in the last 6 or so months, with most of the attackers being lone juveniles. Isis may even be a factor in that, they're like the real life Joe Carrol.

"what is your major malfunction numbnuts?!!"


I am informed about Israel and realize what is going on over there. Friends of mine just came back from there. Unfortunately they are surrounded by some brutal idiots and Isis could be part of it. Joe Carrol and Isis........YIKE! Maybe its good that the following is off the air.


That's mostly because when people are dying in Israel, the world doesn't really care as long as the victims are not Palestinians. Not because there hasn't been a stabbing intifadah there.

Not that I think this is comparable, the motivations are so different and the terrorists in Israel are also using rifles, cars, axes, whatever they can get a hand on, as opposed to be specifically amorous of stabbing.
