MovieChat Forums > The Following (2013) Discussion > What are some of the most bone headed mo...

What are some of the most bone headed moments of the series...

Not necessarily plot holes, just dumb moves on the characters parts, a few that come to mind:

- Ryan Hardy going to that cult camp to capture Joe and instead of waiting for back-up he throws his celluar phone away and proceeds alone (we all know how that turned out).

- After deducing that Lily is a follower instead of playing it off and arresting her, he gives her the menancing I know who you really are look - of course she runs and gets away.


Also Jordy going from fearsome prison guard who helped Carroll access the internet in prison to cultivate The Following, and later escape, and then successfully carry out and then get away from a killing spree of his own, to weak and inept liability to The Following in the space of a few minutes.
The way he's portrayed after this, it's a wonder he even became a prison guard, never mind one on death row
