Freaking BLUE tone all over this movie!!!!!!!
First off, I have to agree this is one if not THE most pointless and badly done remakes ever.... This movie had no soul, no energy, no coherent pacing, absurd characters and the most idiotic plot imaginable. That said, the thing that even though all those things I mentioned were in my mind while watching this movie, the most irritating one was that freaking blue color tone this movie had all the time...The scenes were painful to watch, the actors looked so alienlike, and the cinematography, which would've been a redeeming factor in this mess, looked and felt so fake and unnatural with that blue tone. It actually put the movie even deeper into utter garbage territory. It felt like one of those SciFi Channel movies that have no budget and in order to "look" less crappy they just put a blue tint in the movie to cover for their crappyness....
This was a mess..