Anyone else HATE the Kingsley/Josie BS? (mild S4 spoiler)
I was honestly done with them during series 1. They don't work as a couple at all and their constant bickering and back and forth was right irritating. Then the writers finally forced them together, just to point out how incompatible as people they are and how they're not even that sexually compatible. I was seriously relieved when Josie called it quits and had high hopes for the series 4 to focus on something else with their characters, but to my disappointment, articles about the upcoming series have all said that there will be something of a love-triangle between Josie, JP, and Kingsley. UGH.
I have NO problem with Josie and JP becoming a thing as I do think they are more compatible and balance each other out better, but are they really going to keep banging the Josie/Kingsley drum throughout this final series? What more of their relationship is even left to explore?