I hate the title of the show
It is just off putting and weird. The show is just so good that I am sure the writers could advertised their product from a better place than the butcher shop.
It is just off putting and weird. The show is just so good that I am sure the writers could advertised their product from a better place than the butcher shop.
it's a crap name for sure
'it never occurred to me that skin could determine identity'
It's about uni, and going to uni for the first time. Fresh meat means a new person in a new environment, not once did I think it was about butchers
shareit's still a lame title
'it never occurred to me that skin could determine identity'
I think it's quite fitting actually, totally disagree. It's what they are.
sharei disagree
'it never occurred to me that skin could determine identity'
I disagree with your disagree.
The only reason people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory.
Lame title, and typical of Channel 4's so-called comedy drama fares, lame jokes, the most obvious being the cheap gags featuring bare male backsides.
Can mainstream film and tv makers not make a comedy/comedy drama these days without resorting to showing on-screen male nudity for cheap laugh/shock purposes?
You clearly have issues with the male form looking at your other posts, bullied at school were you? or closet homosexual?
shareTo laurendorward-990-190608 -
Glad you took the time to look at some of my other posts. No, not bullied at school, or a closet homosexual, I'm afraid.
Just a prurient, heterosexual man who gets turned off by the prevalence of male nudity in mainstream films and tv generally. I accept that mainstream films and tv theses days are aimed at women (generally) and gay men, but it would be nice to hear about a mainstream film or tv show for once where the prevalent or exclusive nudity was female.
But, alas, it look's like the tide has turned and I'm very much like King Canute in this respect.
No doubt the film and tv show makers must think that men like me have got our sport, we've got our music, we've got our babe channels, we've got our porn, what more do we want?
But as the saying goes, we're all a little greedy in our own way, we all want a little bit more.
Just a prurient, heterosexual man who gets turned off by the prevalence of male nudity in mainstream films and tv generally
To markfkdone -
So my openly expressing that I'm turned off by the prevalence of male nudity in mainstream films and tv generally is actually a sign that I'm a closeted gay man and actually like the sight of male nudity?
Wow, I've always wondered whether there's been a rabid feminist/prurient gay men agenda at work by the producers/directors/writers of mainstream films and tv shows these days, and I now believe I have the proof.
Markfdone, accept my criticism for what I say it is. Don't believe the propaganda of the film and tv show makers when it comes to these issues.
I have, and always will, appreciate all sightings in the media of the naked female form, because I believe the naked female form is the best thing ever created by nature. Pity some others don't seem to share my observation.
Wow, I've always wondered whether there's been a rabid feminist/prurient gay men agenda at work by the producers/directors/writers of mainstream films and tv shows these days, and I now believe I have the proof.
Wow, really you gonna go there? A sight of two bottoms and thats feminism. Need to check my copy of the female eunuch again as i don't remember any passage saying we need more naked male bottoms on channel four.
I have, and always will, appreciate all sightings in the media of the naked female form, because I believe the naked female form is the best thing ever created by nature. Pity some others don't seem to share my observation.
What has the female form got to do with it, why bring it up. it isn't relevant in the context. It's also a typical closeted man's response to such a subject.
What has the female form got to do with it, why bring it up. it isn't relevant in the context. It's also a typical closeted man's response to such a subject.
Hmm, laurendorward-990-190608, what happened to the word "homosexual" inbetween closeted and man? And please could you point me to the empirical evidence that shows what I have written means I am actually gay?
As for the relevance or not of female nudity: this show I believe is primary there to entertain the viewers. As far as I'm concerned, female nudity is entertaining; male nudity, at least in the context of mainstream films and tv shows, is not entertaining.
But, hey, you no doubt don't believe me because you think I'm a closeted (homosexual/gay) man. Like I say, don't believe the propaganda, and take what I say at face value.
You are aware that you are not the only viewer right? I haven't done a poll but I am sure there are plenty of people who would want to see a male bottom or like me doesn't really care in fact, I didnt even think twice about it.
The only reason people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory.
Fair enough, Markfdone, you don't think twice about it, but the fact remains that I do. And so must the makers of the show, and films and shows like this generally, or why else would they show male nudity, but seemingly avoid showing female nudity?
And how does my criticising this constitute to me being gay? Like I said, as far as I'm concerned, female nudity is entertaining, male nudity is not. I like female nudity, and not in a Gok Wan way, either!
Oh no, a man doesn't want to watch another man's naked backside. Stop press.
Women never complain about having titties on show in every other movie; get over it.
No, sunrisehighway-170-333537, I shan't get over it.
And why should any woman complain about the sight of female breasts? As I've said before, female nudity is entertaining, be it in a movie, or on Page 3 (are you listening, Clare Short?).
'Female nudity is entertaining' is an opinion masquerading as fact. For me, male genitalia is the most amusing and entertaining of all, so speak for yourself only.
shareNo, female nudity is much more amusing and entertaining than male genitalia. And why should I only speak for myself alone? Why can't I be an advocate for others of like mind?
shareAnd why should any woman complain about the sight of female breasts?
Sorry, Fire_Above_Ice_Below, but it does matter if male nudity is in a mainstream film or tv show and it is the prevalent or only nudity. It does not make for quality entertainment.
Female nudity, on the other hand, is quality entertainment, and people who complain about female nudity in all forms of media should lighten up.
Like I said, it's been one show. We may actually *gasp* see female nudity some time during the course of the show.
and people who complain about female nudity in all forms of media should lighten up.
The only context male nudity is shown in shows like this is to provide a cheap laugh or to shock: the makers of such shows would never dream to show female nudity in such a way because they would fear complaints that the context would be demeaning or exploitative. But as it's male nudity, then the makers think, hey, great we can get away with it.
And they must be right, as they have been pretty much getting away with such scenes in mainstream films and tv shows for the best part of two decades now.
Yes, I believe there is no need to show the male body at all, because the male body is not entertaining; so, naturally, it follows that this show is not entertaining.
Yes, I believe there is no need to show the male body at all, because the male body is not entertaining; so, naturally, it follows that this show is not entertaining.
If it wasn't entertaining artists would not paint them, sculptures would not sculpt them etc.. Your whole view is based on bigotry and prejudice, just because you do not like it, you think everyone does not like it, and you are wrong. There is no "propaganda" either, we have been seeing naked women in films for so long now it's refreshing to see something "new".
Yes the female form is not usually considered funny, but put it into a certain context, and it will be. E.g, and older woman for example or a fatter woman, I couldn't care less, male, female I am an adult I don't get skittish over such things anymore.
If it wasn't entertaining artists would not paint them, sculptures would not sculpt them etc.. Your whole view is based on bigotry and prejudice, just because you do not like it, you think everyone does not like it, and you are wrong. There is no "propaganda" either, we have been seeing naked women in films for so long now it's refreshing to see something "new".
I think everything you say is a pile of crap basically.
P.s you don't think male nudity is entertaining? Say that to Da Vinci and Michaelangelo among others.
Tis a very immature look on the world.
I think everything you say is a pile of crap basically.
P.s you don't think male nudity is entertaining? Say that to Da Vinci and Michaelangelo among others.
Tis a very immature look on the world.
As regards to Da Vinci and Michaelangelo, like the people over the (literally thousands) of years who believe in a god, they were wrong. And that's my (immature) look on the world.
and it is a very immature look on the world. At least you admit it.
Nature is a big thing, and the female form is most certainly not the most beautiful. Extremely naive look on nature.
There is nothing in nature that is equal to the naked female form. Nothing. If you as a woman can't see that, then that's most unfortunate.
If there are other women out there who share your view, then they, like you, are being immature emotionally, and Gok Wan has got his work cut out!
There is nothing in nature that is equal to the naked female form. Nothing. If you as a woman can't see that, then that's most unfortunate.
Is that all your limited imagination can come out with? a giant redwood tree?
Beauty is subjective, what one may love, another may hate, all there are are opinions.
i disagree
'it never occurred to me that skin could determine identity'
Is that all your limited imagination can come out with? a giant redwood tree?
No you didn't actually, the other poster thought of that, regardless, both are very limited. Not sure if you are stupid or just trolling.
shareNo you didn't actually, the other poster thought of that,
regardless, both are very limited.
So because somebody else thinks of something then MY mind can't also think of something similar?
It is called mimicking and copying, and no, there is no imagination in that.
There is nothing limited about imagining and appreciating the naked female form more than anything else in nature. Nothing at all.
Um yes there is, but because you have such a limited imagination, you cannot see this. The idea of beauty and nature has and will continue to be the pathos for many an artist, there is no such thing as the most beautiful thing in nature as the idea itself is subjective.
mo606, your posts basically suggest and boil down to this: You're a fairly horny straight guy who thinks tits and girls are always great, so you only want them on your TV, you can't stand the sight of a man's body so you dismiss it as pointless.
Female nudity actually is the most prevelant and common form of nudity on TV/film, usually breasts etc. The makers of this show are not just aiming for horny straight guys though, they're aiming for girls too. And the fact of the matter is, a cute boy's bum IS entertaining for many girls, thats WHY they put it in, it does get a laugh and girls like it. You can't deny that.
So just remember other people and deal with it, it's not hard.
It's a play on the word "fresher". People who are starting uni are called "freshers", and the show is about how awkward starting uni is, hense the title "fresh meat".
shareI used to work in a Students union and we'd have a 'Freshers meet'. Which was basically a chance for all the new students to meet up and mingle with the students from other years. It was basically a massive 'pulling' session, a lot of the older students would go out to 'bag a fresher'. Lots of students unions have a freshers meet. It was such a huge pulling session filled with new students it ended up being called 'fresh meat',(as were the freshers). As far as I can figure that's why the show got called this. At least that's what I think anyway.
shareIt likely comes from the saying "fresh meat for the grinder", which is often muttered in war films for new recruits as they venture in to the big, bad world of war. Only, instead of the world of war, they just face the big, bad world.
That's my guess.
Although, the promotional material did have them all on display (naked) in a butcher's window. I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt and assuming they didn't just use the title for a gimmicky promo.
In episode 1 professor Shales wlecomes Oregon and Vod to the classroom alogn with the other English students saying "bring in the fresh meat for the grinder" as they come in.
i agree. i never watched this show because of the title, but it was in my netflix suggestion so much i decided to try it. i live in the states and have never heard of freshmen being called fresh meat, but i get it.