Man, I miss Sabine.

Will she ever come back?

UPDATE, she's BACK! Although that was a bit weird how Howard and Candice resolved that whole situation to kind of inevitably make this future Sabine-Howard relationship thing possible. But maybe he reminds her of her brother. Kind of an idle episode but things seem to be looking up.

"the day I tried to live, I learned that I was alive"



maybe she and the candice will have a cat fight over howard's stick, sabine would of course win

"the day I tried to live, I learned that I was alive"


I got to say, at first i was really upset when she moved in. I really like JP's friend Gavin, but within her first episode i found her hilarious. Her monotone straight man approach worked very well in the house full of loons.



She's the best character...this show needs her!

what Jordie?


I went from disliking her presence in the house to loving every scene she was in, that's the mark of a good character in my opinion.

Although I went from liking Josie, to really disliking her, now Im indifferent.

Oregon I seem to dislike more as the show goes on.


It almost seems like they want us to dislike Oregon. Charlotte Ritchie is such a pretty girl, but between the decline in her wardrobe, her hair style, and especially her personality, its like the writers really want us to dislike her.

Have to agree on Josie though, started off liking her, went to really hating her, now I pretty much don't care either way.


What did Howard mutter to Sabine when she first left the gang in season 2? I find his accent sometimes a wee bit thick!


He said "Mind how you go," MarraHorra.


yeah I was really into Josie especially in that scene where she's pouring vodka into her cereal, smoking, and dancing to that Peaches song...super sexy and cute

Oregon really has declined just like you said, she seems to be losing all that innocence she once had but I guess that's the point, they're all losing their "fresh"ness :( I'm going to miss this a lot once it's all over, like when the IT crowd ended, they're like old friends

"the day I tried to live, I learned that I was alive"


Sabine is just the best. She's hilarious and the voice of reason at the same time. The show needs her
