Judas (Spoilers)
There's been discussion about whether Judas was a ghost or not. There are several ideas that point to the possibility...
1. The scene in which the camera is on the hallway floor. We are able to see the hallway in two ways simultaneously; both through the cameral and not through it. We see Judas' image walk across the hallway on the camera, but we don't see him when looking directly at the hallway.
2. Also, in the very beginning, when the girl says to her mother on Skype, "Who's that behind you," and she immediately turns around and there is nobody there, but the door that was previously closed is now open. Some may say that was because Judas was poking his head through the hole in the closet, but it was way too dark and I believe the hole Judas sneaks through was covered by the partially closed door anyway (you can rewatch and see).
3. Sounds of thinks falling are heard in the house (like the fallen jar of pickles) and are immediately checked on by the protagonist, but no person is found. Judas is nowhere to be seen and I don't think he is so stealthy that he would be able to quickly sneak back undetected if he was human.
4. The final shot of Judas' eye opening in the room and seeming frantic seems to make more sense if he is a ghost. Like he was waking up and would go about his business in the house as a dead man (making it seem plausible that that is what was happening all along...as a dead man).
5. The ghost of the lady wouldn't be violently dragging people through the house, but the ghost of Judas certainly would.
I think the makers of the film were giving us subtle hints all along that, when put together, point to Judas being dead, but not being able to move on.