I'm Asian
Along with most (~⅔) of the world since Asia includes China, India, Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Russia, and Japan; seven of the top ten most populous countries in the world. Throw in the Middle-East, Afghanistan, the rest of the Soviet countries, and the rest of the Oriental countries, and suddenly, most of the world is Asian.
I had Caucasian people arguing with me that we are not Oriental, because Oriental is an object.
What‽ What the heck does that even mean?
Supposedly the reason that “Oriental” is (supposed to be) bad is because it presumes a Euro-centric world. But then, why is “Oriental” bad but “Middle-Eastern” or “Western” okay? Hypocrisy and political-correctness shouldn’t mix, yet they seem to go hand-in-hand. Besides, other languages can call things whatever they want, but of course English words are going to be Euro-centric; what’s wrong with that?
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