MovieChat Forums > The Pact (2012) Discussion > What was the damn Pact?

What was the damn Pact?

Maybe I wasn't paying close enough attention but I didn't see any pact. Did I miss it? Was it implied? What was the damn Pact and who was it between?

The only thing I can think of is the sister had a pact with the murderer brother to let him stay in the basement and kill people. That's the only pact that would make sense but I didn't notice it in the movie. Are we supposed to assume that's what happened or did I completely miss something?


The mother hiding the brother in the house even though she knew he was a serial killer. They had a pact of secrecy. But it is a bad title and has been used at least 5 times in recent years for other movies. Very unoriginal.


Thank you for bringing it up! I thought I was in the Twilight Zone for a minute!
The reason I had such high expectations (which were roughly met until the dude went to the fridge) was because the trailer was so good, and the name together with the trailer, kept me guessing. I was thinking, "did they make a pact with the devil to feed the house? Did the sisters make a pact for something and now it's time to pay? Did the mother make a pact to save the children and now Rumpelstiltskin was back for payback?" But not ONE mention of a pact.

Was it implied? Where? I'm really curious about this. I liked the film up until the man at the fridge (Judas).


YES the pact was between the sister and brother. Jeez, do they have to spell everything out these days? Can't a director assume some modicum of intelligence in the viewer anymore? I suppose there should have been a scene where they zoom in on the girl's face and she says "Omigod, my mother made THE PACT with my serial-killer uncle!"


The thing is, that's not a pact. A pact is an agreement whereby both parties provide some benefit to the other. The sister apparently agreed to hide her serial killer brother in the basement under the secret room, and cut hidden panels and peepholes in the wall for him to get his peanut butter and to have his little peep shows. But what was she getting out of the deal?

Perhaps a more apt title would have been "The Secret" or something.

I'm not at all surprised that people can't figure out why the movie is entitled "The Pact." I can't, either.


No, The Pact is completely fine. It actually is great title usage because it's something that is so ambiguous at first, but by the end you understand what it means. It kept the movie's secrets hidden while basically telling you exactly what the movie was about.

Also a pact is not just an agreement where two parties benefit from each other. A pact can also be a covenant which means two people agree to do or not to do something together.

And the mother, drawing conclusions from Annie's experiences with her, didn't seem like a very good person either. She probably was involved somewhat. So it was a partnership of while she gives him a house to stay, he gets to continue his rain of terror undetected.


pell everything out these days? Can't a director assume some modicum of intelligence in the viewer anymore? I suppose there should have been a scene where they zoom in on the girl's face and she says "Omigod, my mother made THE PAC
Some type of genius right here folks. Take turns bowing down.


I get that there must have been a pact between the mum and her brother a that's why it's called the pact. I don't understand why there was a pact- did he threaten to kill her kids? Was she physically unable to talk to the police and turn him in (some sort of phobia maybe? Lol), did she help him in some way? I just don't understand it.


Well, it's heavily implied that Annie and her sister (the one in the very beginning) were a result of incest between the sister and brother, so it could be that the sister was being manipulated and abused by her brother and kept him hidden because of that, because he had her brainwashed into believing she HAD to protect him. I just don't buy that they had a pact between them, though. Unless she was the one initiating the incestuous relationship and the pact was that he would comply with it if she hid him and allowed him to kill other women.


Do you think there could have been an agreement that she could keep the kids away from him while he continues to murder other women?

Because in the end he had no problem killing Nicole and trying to kill Annie. Maybe he just didn't recognize them, but I don't see this this sicko as somebody who would care enough about even his kids to keep them alive.


as somone said on another thread maybe the pact was she would hide & protect him if he stopped killing. Once she died he resumed killing.


Ummm, I thought the pact was between the ghost and Annie. Find/Kill her killer and then she would leave her alone, as brought up during the conversation between Annie and Stevie.


You're probably right. The simplest explanation.


Ummm, I thought the pact was between the ghost and Annie. Find/Kill her killer and then she would leave her alone, as brought up during the conversation between Annie and Stevie.

That's not what I thought. But it doesn't mean you're wrong! That's where I find beauty in stories, when they can have double entendres that speak to people in different ways. Makes me think that the ambiguous title is even more effective.


Same here. Especially once she killed him and the doors flew open.


Since pacts are usually supposed to be mutually beneficial, I thought maybe the pact was that the mother agreed to keep him hidden IF she got to keep and raise the baby that Jennifer Glick was pregnant with (Annie). Assuming of course, that she was pregnant in that photo and that Jennifer is the real mom as some have suggested. Maybe the "mom" always wanted a kid and didn't have a partner, so she got to keep a couple babies from women he killed?

Then she'd have motivation for keeping him hidden; if she didn't, then her kids might be taken from her. Maybe she loved him, but from that church photo it looked like they weren't very close. He was at the other end by himself.


I think that they may have been trying to indicate that Annie was actually Charles’ daughter (heterochromia iridum can be hereditary, especially from father to daughter). That may have been had something to do with it, especially if Judy was indeed her mother.

(Response notification is off.)


Yeah, the weird old dude was her father. So she was the daughter of a brother and sister. I enjoyed watching the movie but thought it was a bit weird as in hard to understand. I didn't watch it closely though, but it looked like a good film.

Scientologists love Narnia, there's plenty of closet space.

