MovieChat Forums > The Great Wall (2017) Discussion > I refuse to see any American movies with...

I refuse to see any American movies with Asians as

Leads. There. What freaking stupidity. Damon will double the box office. You PC people are the scourge of the planet.


It wasn't long ago when American actors were never considered leads in Hollywood movies. They need to start somewhere.


Leads. There. What freaking stupidity. Damon will double the box office. You PC people are the scourge of the planet.

PC/SJW people are just annoying sometimes.

Somalians are the absolute scourge of the earth. They don't contribute ANYTHING positive to the world. Nothing good comes out of Somalia. It is like the world's cesspool.


At some point your ancestors were Somalian, so there's always that.


It is rather the kalahari bushmen that are closest genetically to the "original" homo sapiens. Todays somalis are more of a mixture between people of arab and subsaharan african heritage.


You miss my point. At some point our ancestors migrated through what is now Somalia.


Propably not. I would rather think they took the path along the nile and reached the Middle East that way :) At least if you are not from Australia.


Well, if you would rather... :)


On that note, recent genetic research have shown that europeans actually looked like blue eyed african americans as recent as 7000 BC. If someone want to annoy those guys I mean..,.


It is ok for me if somebody refuse to see american movies with asians as leads, but then they miss out on masterpieces like Revenge of the Ninja :)


Sho Kusagi = God.


To which movie are you referring to? I believe this movie, The Great Wall, is produced my Chinese companies so it's not an American movie.
