MovieChat Forums > The Great Wall (2017) Discussion > I know exactly what this movie is...

I know exactly what this movie is...

Somebody had the brilliant idea to take the battle of Helm's Deep from the LoTR: Two Towers movie, turn that one scene into an entire movie, and then replace the elves with Chinese people, replace Helm's Deep with the Great Wall, and replace the orcs with dragon monsters.

Then, throw in a few swarming-the-wall scenes duplicated from World War Z zombie schlock, and there we have it!

EDIT: Seems I'm not the only one who noticed! From Allan Koay's review on The Storyboard site: "And now comes The Great Wall, what can only be described as China’s feeble attempt at its own Lord of the Rings,"

And from Filmnomenon: "If Japan had Gojira, and South Korea had that thing from The Host (2006), then (ancient) China now has its screen equivalent—the Taotie. Mega-loads of them, like some kind of World War Z apocalyptic scenario."

Called it.


That's what happens when Cuckifornia sells its Hollywood film studios to China and cups their balls in an attempt to appease their new communist overlords. We're going to be seeing a whole lot more Chinese propaganda coming from former American film companies located in Hollywood.

It's good of China to keep saving the world from aliens, NASA's incompetence, and dragons though. What will they save us from next?

The first transport is away... hey!


They certainly won't be saving us from evil corporations, since they let their own companies poison their own people if they get enough bribes.



That was exactly what I was thinking when I saw the previews; looks like a LOTR movie.


Dammit gonna miss these kind of posts. Y Imdb? Y?
