MovieChat Forums > The Great Wall (2017) Discussion > Tom Cruise is the Last Samurai, Matt Dam...

Tom Cruise is the Last Samurai, Matt Damon saves the Great Wall...

What's next, Leo Dicaprio plays an ancient ninja master?

The holy trinity of Asian whitewashing.


You support Drumpf and think Hollywood isn't PC enough? 


Cruise wasn't the last samurai in that film. Ken Watanabe was the last samurai.


Splitting hairs needlessly? He was the last surviving man to fight as a Samurai and the focal point of a movie involving Japanese warriors. Whether or not the actual title refers to him is entirely meaningless in regards to my point.


Given your complaint is about whitewashing, I'd say it's far from meaningless.

Having Tom Cruise survive isn't "whitewashing" anything, and frankly, if you felt Tom Cruise was the sole focal point of that movie, that sounds like a "you" problem, rather than a "them" problem.

Tom Cruise was a passive observer, in many ways, for the Samurai clan he'd been taken in by. Even during the ending battle the focus wasn't Cruise, he was just the relatable eyes we were supposed to use to witness the lengths the Samurai would go to for the sake of their honour.

Not only was Tom Cruise not the "Last Samurai", but your desire to cry about invented racism does nothing but denigrate an attempt to highlight Japan's history.

I can only imagine how you felt about Shogun, or Shaka Zulu.


Algren (Tom Cruise) was an American soldier who fought with the Samurai, but he was NOT Samurai. People saying "Tom Cruise was the last Samurai" is insulting to the last Samurai.

I'm black so I'm always quick to side-eye white people, but in this case, there really wasn't white washing. And, if he was a white savior, he failed miserably.


Lol tom cruise was not the last samurai so your white washing claim on that is bunk... also this is a fantasy film with monsters and no real history so get out of here.
