MovieChat Forums > Blue Caprice (2015) Discussion > Hugely, utterly disturbing, haunting sce...

Hugely, utterly disturbing, haunting scene

the actual shooting rampage, once they have the window poked out of the car for the sniper to shoot out of. The slow shots of the car driving along rainy highways with sudden cuts to the shooting victims laying on the ground with the 911 calls, while the creepy drone/violin/choral music played on and on, will stick with me for a VERY long time, far more disturbing than if they wanted to exploitatively show blood and guts. A hideous and powerful mood piece.

It's by far the main reason to see the movie. I didn't think Isaiah Washington looked like John Allen Muhammad very much (although the performance was fairly good anyway, just from an acting standpoint) and I was surprised there were no references to John's faith, or the threatening messages he sent to police, or even his or Lee's last names. Lee is depicted as the most blank, empty, dead-eyed, one-facial-expression kid I've seen on screen since Marlo Stanfield on "The Wire." There doesn't really even seem to be that much to go into with regards to their case.



Easily the most stylish and creepy part of the film. If the rest of Blue Caprice had been like that, I would have rated it higher.


Agreed 100%.


I know this is an older post but that scene really got me and bothered me for days. I live in N VA and will never forget it. The kids on my bus were terrified to get off in the afternoon or stand at their bus stops in the morning and we were told to wear black shirts to work to make us less of a target since they were threatening bus drivers. When the PD was still thinking it was a box truck everyone would panic when they saw one. There was no where you felt safe and that scene definitely brought back the memories.
