God, you are fucking stupid.
Educate themselves? If you even watched this documentary, it’s more than clear that Candace Owens did her homework. How about the black Americans who are being used by the Democrats to push their agenda? And not all slaves were black and not all slave owners were white.
Stop drinking the Kool-Aid if you know what’s good for you.
Didn’t know about this movie until I saw your post. Candace Owens debunking Floyd and taking down the BLM grifters?? Take my money!
Thanks for the recommend 🍻
fuck you Candace is spreading misinformation
shareThat’s misinformation, but again thanks for the recommend 🍻
shareJoogle hates Candace because she's black.
sharehates Candace because she's black.
Leftists see blacks as lower creatures which is why they refuse to treat them as equals, but they hold a special hatred for blacks like Owens who refuse to submit to their sicko, racist ideology.
They also go harder on women because they’re easier to bully.
Candace is great and I can’t wait to see her doc. Will it be as good as What Is A Woman??
Leftists see blacks as lower creatures which is why they refuse to treat them as equals, but they hold a special hatred for blacks like Owens who refuse to submit to their sicko, racist ideology.
Yup. The Left are constantly guilty of projection.
shareThe Left has a special hatred for anyone of color who won't fall in line with their program.