Woman does not exist (practical vs. absolute reality)
Matt Walsh deserves a lot of respect for trying to tackle something like this, and for exposing the lunacy of certain people and the weird hypocrisy and circular reasoning mainstream agendas and thought police want people to adopt.
However, when defining what a 'woman' is, we can't really get to the bottom of the truth unless we stop to think and really dig as deep as we can into 'human', 'man', woman' and 'pragmatic words'.
Of course in a daily reality, it'd be very difficult to survive without using a handy and pragmatic word, like 'woman' and 'man'. Even 'girl' and 'boy' are useful, I would never want to stop anyone from using them.
We have forgotten that we are human beings, first.
Maybe it's best if I use a car analogy - no one would call a driver of a car a Ford or Lamborghini Countach. People realize it's just a car - a temporary lump of 'physical energy', a thing that will some day not be a car anymore - the driver can get out of, abandon, switch to a new one, and so on.
We are the drivers of our similarly temporary physical bodies. A 'woman' doesn't exist in a sense that there's no living entity that can be defined fully as a 'woman'.
We are not women or men, we are souls, which are energy concentrations, life itself, that does not have a gender. Soul has no gender any more than wind has gender - they're both moving, ever-changing energies.
We call a combination of 'energy entity' and 'female physical body' a 'woman'. As the physical side is temporary, and the spiritual, energy-entity (the real you, the driver) is eternal, there can't be an entity that's fully identifiable with a word that only refers to a combination, one side of which is temporary.
The same soul can incarnate into a male body next time. Is that soul still a woman? Of course not. The soul never was a woman, and thus the REAL SELF can never be 'woman' or 'man', as it goes on long after the female or male body has decomposed or turned to ash.
Energy can't be destroyed, form can. We are energy, physical body is form. This means, 'woman' doesn't exist in the absolute sense, as a full description of a living entity - it only describes a temporary combination, like 'Ford and driver'.
No one calls that combination a 'car', except temporarily in traffic. A living entity that can be fully identifiable as a 'car' does not exist; 'car' only refers to the lifeless vehicle the living entity is driving and can switch to another.
Similarly, 'woman' refers to the physical body that the non-woman (the soul) is driving. The driver is never 'woman', only a soul living in a female body temporarily.
This is why 'woman' doesn't REALLY exist, although in practical reality, the word is very useful, and in my opinion, should logically be defined as "combination of a living soul and female physical body", or "soul living in a female body", if you will.
For atheists and such, you can tweak this into something like 'life in female form' or whatever you wish.
It's weird that people want to keep using a word that they can't define. Surely everyone should know the meanings of words they want to use, or they might as well just talk gibberish. I guess most people already do, though..