Faith in humanity...lost.

Slavery in US may have ended, but today there're more slaves in world than ever before thanks to human trafficking. Right now millions are living in hell as slaves.

And the sad truth is human trafficking wont happen if there wasn't a market. People still want to make fellow humans their slaves. Powerful will always oppress the weak. We haven't really come very far from where we were. No matter what they say, who can really deny the evil of the humans?


Earth may at times seem like a very ugly place. But the universe is very, very big and very, very beautiful.

Sadly, like billions upon billions of others before you, your faith appears to have long been misplaced, in a supremely unworthy vessel. Mankind. The universe itself was fundamentally created to be a neverending testament to the beauty of perfectly repeating orderliness. From the galactic to the subatomic. Planets orbit exactly according to their assigned order. The orbits of subatomic particles, likewise...perfect, unfailing order. Not one ounce of coincidence or accident that the billions of strands of DNA of every single tree that has ever lived have caused them to perfectly sprout millions of leaves of only their own particular species, every time. In millions upon millions of years, no elm tree has ever somehow randomly sprouted a few poplar leaves. Perfect. Unbroken. Repeating. Order. And most importantly of all, every second of every day for billions of years, our Sun has stayed right around 93,000,000 perfect, life-sustaining, miles from Earth. No cosmic (and life-annihilating) hiccups...ever. Again...Order. Absolute. Perfect. Galactic. Universal. Order. With one lone (either funny or sad, depending on one's perception) exception. Humans. In all of creation, humans alone exercise the right to try and be something different from what they (and all creation) were created to be. And THAT is the disheartening result of which, that you seem to see all around you. It does not in the least negate (to even a microscopic degree) the sheer magnitude of the beauty that otherwise exists in the unbridled orderliness of the rest of the cosmos. And it is the endless displaying of that otherwise universal orderliness that calls you (and all of us) to faith in joining IT. NOT, the seemingly endless and comically inept attempts of these tiny and supremely self-deluded humans to prove (to the rest of creation) that they alone can somehow be their own "creators of order" on this tiny little pebble known as Earth. The real truth however is, long after "ugly" humans have ceased to exist, there will still be that same magnificently beautiful cosmic order functioning perfectly as designed. So, endlessly cast your eyes much, much higher than that relative foolishness! And instead, on seeing and being a part of real order! Not the comical and (cosmically) momentary, ugly machinations of puny humans trying to play God. You were created to be a part of much more than that. We all were.

Fear not. Order is truly the fundamental law of the universe.

No man lies so boldly as the man who is indignant.


You make a valid point. Thank u.


Amazing comment!


Even though it's now slowed to a trickle, this is still my favorite board on IMDB to check back on periodically.

So, thank you very much for those kind words.

Quite often I wonder if the waves I've generated by throwing my little pebbles into this vast ocean of humanity will ever reach another receptive soul in a positive and hopeful way.

But, I must ask: Is there by chance some strangely cosmic backstory to how you ended up on this particular board, and finding this lone comment, in the first place?

No man lies so boldly as the man who is indignant.


I agree, very well said. I really needed to read that too!

Cindy, don't just stare at it, EAT IT.


There is only 1 species on planet Earth capable of intentional evil actions, and that's Humans. How we ended up this way out of the millions of species that have inhabited this planet through its life is anyone's guess?. But we are defiantly the mutant race of planet Earth.


I think you'll find if many other species rose to or level of sentience they'd be just as fearful, selfish, greedy, and cruel as us. Self awareness and the ability to organize is a blessing and a curse.

...then whoa, differences...
