The dog...?

Enjoyed reading some of the conversation about the movie—most of it spot on & very insightful. I particularly like the idea that the ring won't do Wes & co that much harm. It was a child's gesture after all. No guarantee it would be effective—though in a mainstream film it would have to be.

'Fraid I didn't get the D's dog at the end. He's shown cutting down a murdered dog about the same size—one that appeared to have have been hanging a while; & of course Wes brags about killing it. Yet when he comes home the dog is fine, clearly his, glad to see him. It also appears that D exchanges a long look with Morrigan while greeting the dog. If that is so, are the two connected? Did she bring the dog back somehow so D wouldn't be totally alone in the world?

Or did I misinterpret what happened, & Wes never got the chance to carry out his threat?
