Pretty decent movie,it wasn't horrible and was a great popcorn movie
Give it chance without being to critical, you'll like it
Shake with your right hand but hold a rock in your left
House of cards
Give it chance without being to critical, you'll like it
Shake with your right hand but hold a rock in your left
House of cards
Do you know what a popcorn movie is?
For my latest movie reviews and news:
A movie you watch while eating popcorn?
share"Popcorn movies" are usually way more action-based and fun, hence the wanting to stuff your mouth with popcorn. Past examples include The Avengers, Independence Day, Speed, Inception, Indiana Jones, etc. A popcorn flick is not usually a film based on true story of women being raped, tortured, and hunted down by a serial killer.
However, I agree that it's a decent film based on a despicable real-life criminal. Nevertheless, it could have been written and directed much better, as it is confusing in many parts. The timeline can throw off the viewer, victims look too much alike (Cindy & Debbie w/dog), and certain details that aren't adequately explained or addressed.
For example, Cage's character points out the FBIs spot-on profile of Hansen (Cusack) and remarks on its accuracy with regard to a speech stutter that Hansen is known to have, yet Cusack's character NEVER stutters.
There's a reason its release was very limited and moved quickly to DVD and streaming. It's too bad, because it had so much potential to be great.
"Don't get chumpatized!" - The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters (2007)