Luck-based Sloppy Police Works + Crime-friendly System (not the movie)
[possible spoilers]
I was looking around the board, thought I'd find someone talking about how idiotic the story was, but couldn't find any. Most were talking about cage-cusack duo, shaky cam, acting performances, close-up shoots, etc. What about the events happened (according to the movie)?
If the police works are that sloppy & the system is so bluntly in favor of criminals, no wonder they luckily might just (or might not) catch any mass/serial killer after each killer killed several dozens already! there were many such foolishness; to state few for instance:
-- Cage was so confident about hensen's crimes, they didn't care to put anyone for carefully following him; after quite many days, cage & norris were in the watch-out directly beside the clear vicinity of hensen's house.
-- When cage & norris realized that hensen had seen them & hurried to his plane, (they even said that he's gonna dump all the evidences); after that incidence cage goes for arresting him based on fbi profiling & send all-out house-search to find evidence. cage was lucky that hensen was too fool to still keep his murder weapons & murder-marked map at his house, even after dumping all evidences.
-- Even after all these luck, police/system asked cage to get a must confession from hensen to proceed with trial; even there they had to get too lucky to get cold-blooded hensen going so tensed, paranoid (just by seeing that twin bracelet) that hensen screamed out his confession loud in front of judge, wow!!
There were many such foolish events throughout... so the story here is, ultimately the police's luck-work could catch a very stupid serial killer after several dozens of his kills, all because those police were a little less stupid than that murderer.... none to give credit for other than stupidity & luck.
I wonder, is it only me in this board, who's thinking these things...??!!