MovieChat Forums > Would You Rather (2019) Discussion > So many brainwashed Hollywood sheep on t...

So many brainwashed Hollywood sheep on these boards.

People are only hating on this movie because it had a sad ending, which is pathetic. This is a facking HORROR MOVIE for Pete's sake! Horror movies are not meant to make you feel good, if they're done right. This is like Eden Lake all over again; people hating - literally hating with a passion - on the movie, JUST because it didn't have a fantastical happy ending ala Hollywood. News flash people: in case you didn't notice, the term "horror" implies all the HORRIBLE aspects of life reflected in cinema or other media. It doesn't exactly imply, overtly romanticising the cruel aspects of life for the weak hearted sheep. If you can't cope with that, then what the hell are you watching a horror movie for in the first place!

Unless you like "torturing" yourself, I suggest you go back to watching your romcoms and other light hearted, politically correct comedy flicks, because clearly horror isn't for you. But don't hate on it just because you're accustomed to the romantic aspects of mainstream Hollywood, leaving you with a weak stomach.

Unless this is your first horror movie, you should've known what you were getting yourself into, before you decided to sit down and watch a horror movie such as this.

Me personally, I thought it was pretty bland, but enjoyable nonetheless. Not because of the sad ending, but because the "twists & turns" was very predictable and overall, it was just a tad bit boring. Only uplifting parts were the performances of Jeffrey Combs as the sadistic aristocrat and John Heard as the recovering, paranoid alcoholic. Albeit it was a short part, it was funny to watch the dad from Home Alone getting *beep*


Good points all around. For the movie to work, it needed that ending. As a horror movie, the ending is a powerful, albeit predictable, punch in the jaw. Iris is left alone with ill gotten money and blood on her hands. The writing teaches an easily identified morality play.

Shocking that SO many viewers hated the movie because Iris didn't get a happy ending; as if she deserves one!? Others claim that it was too depressing and downbeat, without any heroes to root for. IT IS A horror movie after all, what is so hard to understand? The Omen, Rosemary's Baby, Burnt Offerings...classics of the horror genre where the bad/evil wins the day, ending certainly downbeat!

Overall, a decent horror movie that I enjoyed primarily for the great performance of Jeffrey Combs. He is outstanding as the main baddie, with every scene being over-the-top and hammy while still fitting the role. Let's face it, he has been terrific in everything from Re-Animator and on! Always a treat. The chemistry Combs shares with both his son and butler is amazing...frankly, I always end up rooting for them.

It was only upon visiting IMDB that I found a) dislike for the movie and b) huge outcry pro-Iris and anti-ending. Still find it hard to believe, but I guess that is a sign of these super PC safe space times.


Eden Lake was great (also because of two outstanding lead actors), people that hated it solely because of the ending really are shallow.


The Ending was perfect and Brilliant.


or maybe it was just bad...

I think you are awfully wrong, a movie does not need a happy or sad ending to be good, it just needs a good one. In this case it had an ending that was unneeded, reminded me very hard about that *beep* movie Sinister, that could of been great had the last frame been the monster walking away with the kids after the last one murders the main family, that would of been poetic, brilliant and still a sad ending, but it decided to end with a cliché twist and a jump scare, I thought it was the same case with this one, the ending was already sad but real, the brother dying was so unneeded, we didnt need that shot at all. I mean the movie could have ended the moment that guy was shot cut to credits beautiful clapping masterpiece, but no... They went cliché, a crappy one, also reminds me of The Descent part II, movies with low self esteem need this final twist to feel safe, they usually dont need it at all.

Also the movie was pretty dammed tame, I dont know why you consider this horror, it was more like a idk but not horror, like some sort of psychologycal thriller I guess, I mean, with movies like a Serbian Film around, we are not so shocked at these horror movies for newbies.


Your comment makes it clear to me, that you either haven't read my OP all the way through, or you've misinterpreted it completely.

First of all, this movie is considered of the horror genre, whether you like the film or not. This is an objective fact. Thrillers exploits the suspense of the viewer, while horror exploits the fear. While horror movies can be suspenseful, the main factor in its storytelling is fear and use of horrifying imagery, which separates the two otherwise very similar genres, which is why an ambiguous genre movie such as Silence of the Lambs, ultimately falls out of the thriller category and into the horror territory; more specifically: the Psychological Horror sub-genre.

Secondly, you're speaking to me, as if you think I actually liked this movie, which I made it clear that I didn't really, so you've got nothing to prove to me. Tame and bland are synonyms.

Thirdly, I never stated that a movie needed either a sad or a happy ending, just to be good. That's your words, not mine.

And finally, a sad or happy ending, is definitely what can define a movie's lasting impact, so this is just a flat out wrong statement entirely. "It just needs an ending" is a lazy way of thinking. Sometimes, a sad ending is needed, to keep with the tone of the rest of the film. Other times, a happy ending is needed. My example of Eden Lake; the sad ending is what made the movie stand out to me, and to a lot of other people. I firmly believe it would'nt have had the impact that it did, if it went the typical Hollywood way. But the fact that the ending was tragic in nature, made many people very angry, which in turn made them dislike - no, literally hate the movie with a burning passion.

Your interpretation of what an ending should or shouldn't be, seems vague at best, and sounds like nitpicking to be frank. Your suggested "changes" to the endings, wouldn't change much of the final products that we got, and most definitely, wouldn't change the impact that neither of the two movies' endings had.

Some people may have just disliked this movie, because they thought it was bad. But I've seen more than enough instances of - typically Americans - who are not so subtle, when expressing their pure hatred of movies with sad endings - solely due to that - because it angered them, and they can't control their emotions or they haven't fully developed that part of the brain that says to us "Hey, it's just a movie/this is a fictional story", which makes us able to separate movies from reality; something you need to have, in order to fully enjoy horror movies, because the genre demands a retelling of all tragedies that may befall mankind imaginable. Hence why a very small percentage of average movie goers, even likes to watch horror movies, and why a horror movie will never become a billion dollar blockbuster, such as movies from virtually any other genre,



No, I was not aware of that. Please, do continue to analyze me and enlighten me about myself, faceless stranger of the Internet.

Your pathetic attempt at personal insults and psycho-analysis, is rather hilarious. I think all of that, could really be turned around and applied to yourself as well. You seem to be awfully insulted, that I called you out and corrected you.


No, I was going to give some real points to you for the horror argument, but then realized, you are either a victim or have NPD, trust me I study them... I have a passion for films, I do not work on these boards tho...


I’m not the one throwing a hissy fit, and resorting to ad hominem attacks, because someone didn’t agree with me; you are.

All personal insults, is to be considered an admission of defeat, and is the weakest form of argumentation that a person can use. Only less than intellectually capable people, resort to that when they have nothing of substance to add. I would’ve gladly continued to discuss with you, if you would’ve kept it classy and mature. However you may have interpreted my first response, as questioning your own intelligence, is not my fault, but I certainly did not mean it to look that way, which I thought would be obvious, but nonetheless, I seem to have severely bruised your ego, judging by your response.

Also, the fact that you indirectly imply, threatening me with physical violence, because according to you “I put words in your mouth”, when in fact I didn’t; I merely rephrased your own sentence, but the meaning remains the same - further makes me question your intelligence and maturity.

How old are you? You’ve been a registered user since 2007, so I’m guessing you’re a full grown adult. You should honestly feel embarrassed for your behavior here. I’m only 20 myself, yet I don’t feel the need to verbally attack someone whom I disagree with. It is a childish behavior, which I grew out of quite some time ago.

Correcting and calling someone out calmly and politely, does not equate to insulting your person.

I do not trust anything you say at all, so don't you worry about that. All your credibility quickly went out of the window with the way that you construct your sentences, and the fact that you had to resort to personal attacks. And by labeling me a victim, when in fact I have shown no such mentality, seems like a last desperate attempt at taking a jab at me, which somehow manages to fail even more than your previous attack.

And lastly, the fact that you are so quick to respond, makes me question if you really just are a lowlife troll, with nothing better to do, than to sit by your computer all day long, waiting for someone to direct all your anger towards, intentionally flaming random strangers on IMDb, to see if anyone will stoop to your level and feed all your negativity.

You see how psycho-analysis works both ways? I’ve already given you more attention than you deserve, so I think I’m out now.


yeah, pipe it down, will ya? he called ya out on your bs and you could not take it. that's the whole story.

honestly, the bitter ending of the film was the only thing good about it. as has been mentioned in different threads, it was full of clichees, had logical flaws and was basically stolen together from other films. it simply wasn't a good movie. not liking dark films has nothing to do with it.


"this final twist"

Exactly... Not all twists are good and this one just didn't seem right to me. :/ It really wasn't necessary to make their point.


Yes I thought the re-animator guy Jeffrey Combs was amazing in this. Creepy and believable as hell.


It had to have a sad ending, it's not like what Iris did was justified or moral. Even if her brother did not commit suicide and was saved, every time she looked at her brother the guilt of murdering a good man in cold blood would dig away more and more of her soul, eventually leaving her a shell of human being and maybe hating her brother.


Agreed. Morality has a slippery slope.


I'll totally break your point by pointing out that I am a huge fan of the first two Hostel movies.

Now, this movie was just awful and fucking stupid. The plot was lame, the performances were unidimensional and the "shock" element was ineffective. I don't mind watching a violent movie, but please give me a purpose or at least make it interesting on a technical point of view. Here it is what many people call "torture porn".

As for the fact that you say "people are offended because it has a bad ending", well I can't talk for everybody, but I know it is not my case. The Mist has one of my favorite endings ever and it is far from being a happy one. It is effective, fits well and is totally powerful.

So in conclusion... I would rather NOT watch this movie again or suggest it to anyone.
