I used to feel sorry for Ashlee whenever Jess bullied her
I've only been watching this show for a few months,so I don't know the history between these 2, but I always felt bad when Jess attacked Ashlee and and the other moms would participate.
But wtf??? Ashlee has turned into a real *beep* (and I hate that word). She attacks and bullies the new moms like there's no tomorrow. What was the new dancer's mom supposed to say when Abby asked her if she thought her daughter could provide better face than Bryn? No? Bryn is wonderful and my daughter sucks? GMAFB!
As someone who was bullied throughout the majority of my school days, I'd NEVER participate in bullying someone IRL. And ESPECIALLY when they've done nothing to deserve it.
Oh Ashlee, how you've turned into the one thing you hated.
I don't want the world. I just want your half.share