Two challengingquestions about the very end ,,,,, * * BIG SPOILERS * *
These are far out, but bear with me.
ONE Was the whole film a fantasy / hallucination? Reason I ask is that when the son 'wakes up' Frank to take him to meet the family for a picnic, there seems to be no personality similarity to the self-important, yuppie, look-at-me son that doesn't have time to visit him during this 'fantasy'. It could be Frank's guilt that drives the major arc.
TWO Assuming that the whole film happened in real life, then what about the robots assigned to other patients in the Assisted Living Facility (ALF). Note that:
-- the other robots seemed to disappear rather than stay in reality
-- Frank wasn't assigned his own robot.
So if the answer to Question 2 is that Frank was only imagining those other robots in the ALF, then that would support the answer to Question 1 that there was no robot, no librarian, no theft of Don Quixote or of the jewelry.
Then everything was just the daydreams of a man well into dementia who did receive regular but infrequent visits from his family.