MovieChat Forums > Anger Management (2012) Discussion > Petition for AM Season 3 ?

Petition for AM Season 3 ?

I know there's a TAAHM-spinoff petition of THE HARPERS starring Charlie (YESTHEHARPERS.COM)
Which would be nice, if it happened.

But i would actually prefer to see a new season of AM, i wish somebody would start a petition for that, since it ended on a high note. Perhaps some of his previous TAAHM costars could guest star.

Is there anyone else who would like to see that happen?


I would. And season 4. I'd love another 100 show season followed by another 100 show season.

They who give up liberty to
obtain a temporary safety deserve
neither liberty or safety


No! Thank God it's over. Season 1 was barely tolerable, after Selby Blair was gone it became unwatchable.


Selma. Dann autocorrect.


No one was forcing you to watch.

They who give up liberty to
obtain a temporary safety deserve
neither liberty or safety


Since Sheen has NO rights to the Charlie Harper character, how much chance do you think he has of acquiring them from the rights owners (that is, Chuck Lorre and others)? I'd say zero, unless he basically worked for free - which he won't do.

This is a pipe dream.


Yeah, well Chuck Lorre saw his profits plummet after Charlie left. Ashton Kutcher, a pothead billionaire suicidal moron that just shows up. Then the whole gay thing was the stupidest *beep* I'd ever seen. If anything, Alan was gay, and a gay gold digger.


Yeah, it's not like he isn't raking it in with Big Bang Theory and all the royalties right?


Petitions only work on Hollywood if several million people are on board because that means several million in ad revenue. TV shows are on the air because of ratings and ratings = how much you can charge advertisers. It's a *beep* system, but it is what we have....


Anger Management was funny at first but then it went WAY off track; losing Kate, then eventually pushing out Mike, Sam, and Jennifer for newer character Sean and Jordan. Sean and Jordan were fine characters but losing many of the original characters definitely didn't help the show any.

