MovieChat Forums > Anger Management (2012) Discussion > Not certain if I should try this show or...

Not certain if I should try this show or not

Charlie and Martin Sheen being in the same show sounds like a brilliant combination, but I'm worried there will be a lot of annoying character, plus that the reception for pretty much every season is mixed. Should I give it a try at all? And if so, where?


I have watched it from the beginning and I enjoyed it a lot !
It is certainly not the best sitcom, but it is pretty good from time to time. If u are even remotely interested in Sheen or his co-stars, u should give it a try. I personally thought it was surprisingly good.


There are a THOUSAND better TV shows to watch over this- so if you 'um' and 'ah', you really should be watching something else. Those that enjoy this show (as I do) know what they are getting into beforehand- and it is strictly 'guilty pleasure' territory.

YES, enjoying the interactions between performers on any show is a major motivation for watching. Charlie Sheen's ego is SO out of control, he always has to play the 'big man', even in the scenes with his father. But a little slice of this show represents the whole, so you only have to watch a few episodes to decide if you want to stay with it or not.


It entertained me and made me laugh. That was enough for me to enjoy the show.



Uh, let's see. The show premiered to 5 million viewers and then began to decline steadily. By the 10th episode is was down to around 2.5 million as I recall and by the 50th to a million or less and plateaued at the 500K to 700K area where it has been sitting steadily.

FX started running two episodes per night and stopped reporting audience numbers, forcing people to look around for them. When I did find them, it was consistently at the bottom of the list of cable shows broadcast that evening and was being beaten in the ratings even by oddball cable reality broadcasts of all kinds.

The show went through a major cast change and reboot at about episode 30 or 35 and 4 of the major characters to that point practically vanished or did so. One was his daughter, who I suspect was written out of the show in no small part because she is a hottie who was garnering a huge amount of attention and Sheen didn't want the focus on anyone but himself.

It would have been canceled on any other network but this show had a 100 episode contract that FX apparently couldn't get out of.

If you are Sheen fan - and that means you want to see him in practically every scene filmed - you'll may like it.

But even if you are a Sheen fan, the jokes are old or very predictable (making the laugh track one huge annoyance because there usually is nothing funny at all).

Oh, and Martin Sheen doesn't appear very early, is in episodes only sporadically thereafter, and practically disappears for most of the last 30 or 40.


I watched from the beginning too and I enjoyed the show a lot. If you like Charlie Sheen you should like this. It's a really funny show.

Esta es mi firma


I like Charlie Sheen - at least, the character he plays here, which is much like the one he played on Two and a Half Men.

I started watching on amazon instant video and ended up buying and watching all five seasons. I thought the writing was very good, the characters had good comedic skills, and I will miss seeing more seasons!


The only reason I watched this show is because I saw Sheen in Two and a Half Men, it was interesting seeing him play a character more sophisticated than Charlie Harper but as the series progressed, Sheen seemed to return to his old ways more and more.
