Sean adds credibility to this cold fusion theory.
Quite frankly I never really learned much about cold fusion but it is a theory about taking energy from a point that is reaching absolute zero. It is quite ridiculous.
But this Sean Character suggested that Charlie should invent time travel and then cold fusion....
So what if you thought of cold fusion in reverse? As if where is the heat coming from before it got that cold?
Then maybe there would be a workable way to get energy or at least construe a reasonable theory around it.
It is such a ridiculous theory but if you put time travel before it, then maybe.
More sensible than Leonard ever made cold fusion; I may be messing up but on big bang theory I think that's one of the ridiculous ideas he tries to argue with Darlene from Roseanne about but he won't defend it in non-abstract logical terms at all because it is so ridiculous.
But if you asked a hundred people the first day how many people's minds would just jump to time travel?
At least if we started there it could be a workable beginning.
Or what if we looked at the zero energy point as a state where there is no space (for heat to exist there would be space so maybe for no heat that is the condensation of space) and at that point we are all that same space and time so the concept of cold fusion could provide potential to understand time travel.
A guy researching at higher education to get to this Sean level of understanding the first thought, an inception or foundation, he would face many misleading hurdles.
It would be like guys and gals getting paid to research AIDS when Sheen said stuff out in the open. But don't go there.... why not?
I wonder how many others relate cold fusion to time travel because this has been the first reference I have been exposed in popular media to imbue this concept with some intelligence.
Quite a brilliant comment.
But to explore this idea is more of a mental endeavor. Absolute zero could become a zen like concept of a point of thought that is beyond time and space and approaching it we're getting closer so we may suck in information from our imaginations.
Like thinking I'm sucking in ideas from those around me by approaching a mental space of no heat and hoping the correspondence with no space and time would imply that to reach this point in the mind I would have to had to get to a point of agreement in thought or information conveyed.... and if we explore that thought how much of the ideas of those around us could be picked up on?
This is stuff guys and gals think when they are just that 2-3% that this would be the first thought if you asked 100 people about cold fusion... but ironically if you were a big researcher in these institutions there's a lot of blocks in place because of jealousy. My deceased uncle did research for Princeton and he pretty much didn't have to 'research' because it's more about writing on what is already uniquely understood but there is a lot that could not be said and explored on many ideas when you get into these institutions...
and sometimes these blocks create unique areas of study.
But is anyone even studying the same thing?
Anyone else know of any popular theories relating cold fusion to time travel because they *may* or *may not* be all over the place?
I don't read up much on physics but I like it if it is presented before me and this is the first time I've ever heard a sitcom character add credibility to the notion of cold fusion.
It could be useful to studying time travel but it would imply *more energy* now or *more information* now than the learning processes where we reach a mental state of absolute zero (lack of difference in information) but to preserve the idea that we are receiving energy from it, we would have to gain *more information* now to *save energy* now and *make more of it now* and not *erase information now* chasing this state that we are supposed to *suck energy from* a state that ***may** or or ***may not** break down the walls of space and time. (Because heat requires space so no space would correspond with no heat but the reverse is no guaranteed, but worthy of exploration. Or we could reach a state of no heat through a mental imposition that we reached that state from imposing a 'no space' restriction and we could try to see if ideas come more freely from there...)
Compared to Leonard and Leslie on the Big Bang Theory Leonard knows how to play the game. Don't talk about Cold Fusion. But Leslie stated the obvious, how could it be a worthy area of study given the preposterous nature.
But what if he said time travel? From the point she started off thinking there can be NOTHING here, maybe NOTHING is something when you think of it as a point of agreement....
But for there to be more now, we would have to have more than that entry point... or else we are defeating the concept of gaining energy from studying this point of entry. Then it couldn't work by the design we are not trying.
But Leonard knows not to even try...
Are there many theories studying time travel through cold fusion or is it not particularly researched, that school of thought?
Cuz quite frankly in these institutions it could go either way.... could be one of those things blocked for politics because one person just has to say don't go there and the rest won't argue, and he might be tied to something (like a cult attacking their god for example) that makes it pronounced... or it could be the other way and lots of people say it cuz at least now you can understand why someone would try.
It could be why everyone at least thought to study cold fusion... but then we shouldn't try to reach that point but get ***more now*** from understanding it because the real nature of testing the experiment, getting energy (or dark energy to save energy rather than literally) form this absolute zero point ***does not imply reaching absolute zero***.
That would be self defeating to the nature of that experiment (***gaining energy from this absolute zero point***).
Maybe that's what a bunch of scientists say but corruption in sitcom television has kept this knowledge away from the masses.
Who knows?
First time this theory became interesting in a way that the starting point would not be to disprove it.... and see if we can learn something else from there.
Usually sitcoms are quite brutal to this cold fusion theory even if there are many jokes about time travel contained within. Or not... either way.
Big Bang Theory is traditional sitcom theory, someone says it and then it's mocked and booed as stupid.
But what if you put time travel before it? Well now it could be brilliant but reaching cold fusion would disprove the concept that we got energy from it, if that was a goal... it still wouldn't be a goal to reach *in a bigger sense of understanding* but understanding absolute zero may give us more.
I now see it as giving potential to a place of learning. Sitcoms are warming up to this idea.
I wonder what Science thinks though... it could still be really sketchy.
As a form of ****applied physics***, things people believe and they could if they were cavemen or even gorillas if a gorilla could understand the notion, I can see how this idea of 'Absolute Zero' could be useful to Sean pursuing relations with Jordan, but with so many of his desires from his point of entry on him, there are so many personal issues blocking this relationship or bond or unity. But from a point of absolute zero, trying to evoke that idea or thought form can help him bypass many of his desires and help him establish a relationship more endearing to her personal interests in a fulfilling way, and then let those interests intertwine with his to create more....
Then these experiments in labs to evoke the actual state would be more for publicity or promotion to evoke this mindset in guys like Sean, in a practical way...
I'm not saying this concept is a life changer but I just think if I keep it in mind some knowledge may come to me... but the idea of cold fusion is that we are getting energy from studying this concept so we have to think of it in reverse and not attempt to chase that state in a bigger sense... maybe to evoke an interest in certain practices but we can't get more energy from reaching the state, but entering that state in the mind can remove distance and space to help us build off a better point of energy for more sound thinking or better 'dark energy' (we slowed down the loss of energy and that is what I'm referring as 'dark energy' the ability to hold onto energy to make more off less energy.)
I think there's a show or movie called Zero Dark Thirty... if it's on Netflix or something maybe I'll check it out, just to see if anything is there.