Come on ladies, let's get some support behind this film so they know there is an audience for it. I guarantee that not only will I see this in the movie theatre when it is released, I will take friends and buy the DVD!
It was really good! My head hurts from laughing so much during "Austenland" at the Sundance Film Festival. You know the ugly cry some people get when watching a movie? I had to stop myself from doing the ugly laugh. Imagine a delightful Jane Austen based romantic comedy laced with a heavy dose of Napoleon Dynamite influenced humor. They fins out tonight if it will get picked up by any studio to be released nationwide. I'm positive that it will.
Hello, it's the OP back again! I finally got to see Austenland (more than a year after my post above) at our local art house theatre in Canada and it was wonderful light fun. Actually better than I expected, in a very tongue-in-cheek way.
DO NOT take any male to see this film. Go with a bunch of girlfriends who appreciate P&P or Downton Abbey. This is the target audience and this is who I went with. Everyone left with a smile on their face after spending a fun evening with friends.
This would be a great one to have on DVD, as there is so much great eye candy in it (yes that means JJ and Bret as well as the locations). A great film for lifting one's spirits!
I disagree with the not bringing a male. I noticed a couple in front of me and the male was laughing harder than the woman he was with. He throughly enjoyed himself! So you never know.