Why didn't this movie get wider release?
My sense is that this movie is going to do really well when it becomes available on dvd / streaming.
What I honestly don't understand is why Austenland didn't get wider release in the theaters. Jane Austen is read in every Junior High / High School in the United States producing 1-2 lifelong fanatics in every classroom in which she is read every year. Further, the film was produced by Stephenie Meyers of Twilight Saga fame. Tens of millions of Jr High/High School girls (and their mothers) would have gone to see the film for that reason alone.
But instead they were given the much more problematic "Mortal Instruments" (every high school classroom in America may have an Austen fan, but also every high school classroom in America would have 1 or 2 girls who cut themselves ...) and the completely vapid "One Direction" rock-group documentary while "Austenland" was consigned to "art theaters" in big cities. I just don't get it.
(Fr) Dennis Kriz, OSM
Austenland: http://frdennismoviereviews.blogspot.com/2013/09/austenland-2013.html
Mortal Instruments: http://frdennismoviereviews.blogspot.com/2013/08/mortal-instruments-ci ty-of-bones-2013.html